Life in Austin 78704
Who refers to areas by zip code? Austiniites do thats who! In a city with as many different flavors and cultures as Austin we acknowledge that each neighborhood can have night and day differences. This is a city that relishes in its various areas, and loves the fact that each area has its own personality.
So what is the personality of central Austin's 78704?
Some of my favorite neighborhoods and hot spots are located in 78704. In fact those that live in this zip tend to have a large level of pride for being a 78704 resident. Neighborhoods such as SoCo (South Congress), Travis Heights, Barton Hills and South First St all call 78704 home.
I can't honestly tell you there is on general type of home in this area. The variety of houses reflects Austin to a T! There is a huge variety of styles, ages and even colors of homes. Yes colors, drive through you'll see everything from blue to green to orange and red. And despite that this is just south of downtown Austin, some of the areas don't even have paved driveways giving it a rustic out of city feel. Some of Ausitn's oldest homes and neighborhoods are in 78704 and the city has grown up all around it.
Home styles include large Victorian, small historical cottage, sprawling mansion, and modern name a few. Many of the older homes have been remodeled and sadly a few have been torn down and rebuilt. But there are a few that are so notible they have been put on the national registry making them a landmark home. It's really intersting when you walk around in these neighborhoods to see some of these historic homes with their historic landmark, and read about how this dwelling came about.
This area is rich in culture and history! And on top of that some of Austin's best hot spots have made this area their home.
78704 Hot Spots
I could write a book on what there is to do in 78704. So for berevity's sake I won't. My advice to those seeking to explore this area, park your car and get on the street, you'll see much more that way. From the Austin'n Trailer Dining Park to Guerros with its garden setting for live music you'll see some of Austin's favorite sights! This is also where Zilker Park and Barton Springs is located, as well as Barton Springs Rd which is home to Chuy's, Shady Grove, Romeo's and many other great dining spots.
One really cool feature of this area is The Hotel Saint Cecilia, one of Austin's favorite Inns.The hotel is a combonation of a large Travis Heights house and added on contemporary hotel rooms It's complete with a pool and lounge area. The theme of the hotel is inspired by the artistic eccentrity of the 50's, 60's and 70's. Hotel St. Cecillia :
So for those looking to live in a diverse and eclectic central Austin community, 78704 may just be for you. Contact me to discuss the homes for sale in this area.
Malita Jones, REALTOR
(512) 497-6442
South Austin Real Estate