With the warmer weather, doesn't it make you want to buy a house! I'm beginning to wonder what buyers are thinking with the tax credits expiring soon and the low interest rates, and low, low prices, and the amount of inventory, why are buyers choosing to go on vacations instead of buying a home? It's like the home can wait, but the exotic vacations can't. Any clue where the buyers are coming from? I know it's been a long winter, but the tax credits sure would be a hunk of change. One buyer told me she believes the tax credit will double, so she's not in any hurry. Funny how the buyer hears more rumors than the Realtor! Anyway, my grandson is ready to go to the beach! Enjoy this great spring weather fellow Wisconsinites! and Happy Selling!
Hi Catherine...it does just make you wonder, right? I think any buyers that are waiting for a larger home buyer tax credit are really taking a big gamble. I remember when the other tax credits were near expiring, there was a big push to extend them but I have not really heard anything positive about it being extended again. I say I have never seen a better time to buy a home than right now and we do have 23 days left before the home buyer tax credit expires at the end of this month.
Hi Catherine,
My how times have changed since you wrote this post. Now is the best time to buy with interest rates much lower than they were in 2010. People can buy more today than they could back then and I can think of no better reason than to hire you because of your expertise in Muskego, WI.
Wishing you continued success.