The national real estate market, state markets and city markets all seemed to be wrapped up in a nifty bundle that effect whether your St Louis home or condo for sale will have a buyer. With the news reports over the last two years about the pop of the housing bubble, homeowners everywhere essentially lost their minds.
Here are a few examples:
- Some homeowners panicked and immediately put their houses up for sale
- Some homeowners chose to walk away from it all, leaving their homes vacant and mortgages in default
- Some homeowners went into a flurry of home renovations, with the idea of selling
- National and St Louis home and condo for sale listings shot through the roof
The amazing thing isn't that the real estate market seems to be stabilizing - that's not the miracle. The miracle is that we still even have a real estate market at all.
Obsessing Over the Sale
This year opened up with a lot of homes on the market, but it also opened with a lot of sellers digging into real estate news. They've started obsessing; they've started pouring over online real estate digests, articles and blogs. In fact, the traffic for this site alone has jumped tremendously.
While it's understandable that you, as the seller, want to know what your chances are for selling your home, obsessing is bad for business. Especially if you're dealing with potential buyers in person, your eagerness to sell can show in very bad ways. You might end up selling the home for way less than you could have - or you might not sell your home at all if they sense desperation.
If you're obsessing over whether your home will sell or not, stop. Take a deep breath. Relax. Even if you're in a hurry, taking a short break from worry can help clear your mind and leave it open for better ideas.
It may be hard to remember sometimes, and giving trust is always difficult, but that's what we're here for. You hired your real estate agent to take care of your [city] home for sale and get it off the market. We do the research on the market and we have the experience. In other words, we do the worrying for you!
If you'd like to sell your home, I can help. Call me at 314-630-4227 or email me at for more information.
Homeowners chose to walk away
A lot of homes on the market
Taking a short break from worry