
Quick Italian Lesson - Part 2

Real Estate Agent with Realty ONE Group CalBRE#01712058

OK, so my husband beat me to the punch with an idea for my first blog post, but really, people always ask,  so for those who would like to know how to pronounce my last name, here goes!

The trick is, in Italian, all the vowels are pronounced, so Contabile (which means "accountant" or some similar variation) is pronounced:

cone  taah  BEE  lay (with the stress on the third syllable)

Living on purpose,


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R. B. "Bob" Mitchell - Loan Officer Raleigh/Durham
Bank of England (NMLS#418481) - Raleigh, NC
Bob Mitchell (NMLS#1046286)

Welcome to AR! I partially grew up not too far from the Itallian neighborhood here in St. Louis ("On Da Hill") and I was always amazed at some of my buddy's names.  They sounded so cool!


Bob Mitchell

ValueList Real Estate Services, Inc. 

Jul 26, 2007 06:00 PM
Marlene Bridges
Village Real Estate Services, Inc. - Laguna Hills, CA
Laguna Homes|Laguna Condos|Laguna Real Estate
Welcome to Active Rain.  Love your cloing line, living on purpose.  Jeep dancing like no ones watching, too.
Jul 26, 2007 06:01 PM
DDR Realty
DDR Realty - Newburgh, NY
Orange County NY
Welcome to AR and best to you. Could we just call you
Jul 26, 2007 11:56 PM