
Top 10 states for Growth and Decline in Value over the next year.

Real Estate Sales Representative with ERA Sunrise Realty 302749 GAR Broker

Home prices to increase say real state professionals



Some 77 percent of U.S. real estate professionals surveyed think home prices will either stay the same (48 percent) or decrease (29 percent) in the next six months, according to HomeGain's First Quarter Home Prices Survey. In comparison, the first quarter 2009 survey results indicated that 89 percent of agents and brokers thought home prices would decrease (53 percent) or stay the same (36 percent).


The top 10 states where real estate professionals think home prices will go down in the next six months:

1. Minnesota (82%)

2. Oregon (65%)

3. Illinois (54%)

4. Utah (50%)

5. Michigan (42%)

6. New Jersey (44%)

7. Nevada (43%)

8. Connecticut (42%)

9. Washington (35%)

10. New York (35%)


Top 10 states where real estate professionals think home prices will go up in the next six months:

1. Texas (41%)

2. Massachusetts (38%)

3. California (37%)

4. Nevada (36%)

5. Idaho (31%)

6. Colorado (31%)

7. Alabama 25%

8. Tennessee (25%)

9. Arizona (23%)

10. Indiana (22%)



Mark Fullwiler

Hi Maria, in spite of living in Oregon, the market here in Corvallis is quite strong. Matter of fact Moody' projects that we will have the 4th best housing market in the US this year at 2.9% price increase.

Mar 31, 2010 11:44 AM
Mike Wilbur
Guild Mortgage Company and Oregon Homes For Heroes - Salem, OR

Wow,  I did not expect Oregon to look like that as business has been strong.

Mar 31, 2010 11:57 AM
Paul Chavez
Earth Origins Realty - Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque Realtor, NM EcoBroker, and General Contractor

I am from New Mexico, hoping to see us on the list of real estate prices going up, but at least NM was not on the other list as well!

Apr 03, 2010 12:18 AM