
underwater mortgages in washington metro area and montgomery county, maryland

Services for Real Estate Pros with Siegel & Associates

UNDERWATER MORTGAGES in the WASHINGTON METRO AREA and in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD.  I was recently contacted by FOX NEWS to be interviewed about the crisis of underwater mortgages.  Too bad for me I missed the airing on March 30, 2010 and it will not be posted on the FOX NEWS site.  The piece was on the Special Report by Brett Baier and I know a few people saw it because they let me know and they did say I did OK.  Anyway, I would like to express my thoughts in my blog since whatever did air was likely only nano-seconds worth of thought.  First topic will address the fact that I was asked to come up with other people to interview that have an underwater mortgage.  Hmmm, I thought that might not be easy.  I posted to my FB wall, sent some reminders, posted to some groups, sent some personal messages; posted on my Settlement Pros PAGE but to no avail.  Not ONE SINGLE PARTY (directly impacted) came forward to be interviewed.  Personally, I wasn't surprised but would FOX NEWS be surprised.  So, as soon as I sat down for my interview I said, Hey I couldn't get anyone that was willing to be interviewed.  One friend of a friend (no camera) and one niece of a friend that never came forward.  The reporter, James Rosen of FOX NEWS (great guy btw) was surprised and asked me why.  I said, "because this is really embarrassing."  No one wants to talk about being in financial bad straights and people aren't proud about getting a mortgage modification or government assistance with their loan.   No one wants their AMERICAN DREAM turned AMERICAN NIGHTMARE publicized on the national news.  So, I felt it was my job in the few seconds I had to get across how I think people feel, their frustrations and what the impact of having an underwater mortgage is on all of us. None of it is good.  Are you surprised that no one came forward to discuss their predicament?  More to come on what I said.

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