
What About Personal Responsibility? Let's Teach Them All To Fish!

Reblogger Kenneth Young
Services for Real Estate Pros with Uni International LLC

I do believe in this post, so I am passing this on....

Original content by Paddy (Patricia) Pizappi

We need to teach them how to fish.  I usually don't make political statements here, it really isn't the place for it.  I have been holding something in for a while and now find I need to get this out. We as a country have spent immense amounts of money bailing and patching, supporting and saving, and filling in for past omissions and wrong doings.  Enough already!  We need to teach the people how to take care of themselves not take care of them.  There is a difference and it needs to be recognized and policy needs to be implemented that will encourage self improvement and personal responsibility.

I see it every day.  People who believe they are entitled to free money, free health care, freedom from obligation to live up to promises madelaying around waiting for someone to care for you when taking out mortgages and other loans, and just about everything else that you can imagine just because they live in this country.  This is the land of the free and the home of the brave but you really need to give of yourself in order to reap the benefits.  Why should I work to pay for someone else's mistakes?  Why does my hard earned cash end up in someone else's pocket who feels no obligation to give anything of themselves to earn their way.

We as a country have created this situation.  We have decided that to fix anything we will mandate things but not provide funding for those mandates.  We have decided that we will throw money at big corporations to help save them from their own mistakes.  We have decided to care for the poor and downtrodden by giving them "free" money and "free" health care yet do not require them to work to improve their lot.  We have done this to ourselves and we need to STOP!

teach them how to fishSo let's start teaching how to fish, how to save, how to work, and how each of us must honor our commitments and follow through on our promises.  Let's live within our means and use our great American innovative minds to figure out how to provide more with less as we rebuild our country.  We can't possibly keep handing out fish.  We are running out of fisherman to bring them in.  

Well now I feel better. How about you???  
I'm Paddy Pizappi - Work with Me and You'll be Happy!

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Randy Ostrander
Lake and Lodge Realty LLC - Big Rapids, MI
Real Estate Broker, Serving Big Rapids and West Central MI

The ripple affect of today's fixes scares me to death. Teaching our kids that walking away from your responsibilities is "strategic" and handing out money rather than letting people feel what it is like to earn a paycheck is not where we need to be going. Great post Ken.

Apr 01, 2010 07:02 PM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA

Thanks Randy I re-blogged it from Paddy.  You should read the comments in there...

Apr 01, 2010 07:09 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Kenneth:  I cannot believe you have stooped so low as to re-blog this drivel.  As you know, it resulted in over one hundred comments... the majority of which were incredibly selfish and centered on "I got mine, so the heck with you..." on the original blog post Paddy Pizappi wrote.  Well... she finally shut it down.  It was a disgrace, and the fact that you have re-blogged this is also disgraceful.

But then... free speech is free speech.  You are free to share with the world your thoughts.  Please relax... I will NOT be making any comments on this post re-blog.  I had my say on Paddy's... and feel no more is necessary.  Have a great weekend !

Apr 02, 2010 12:14 PM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA


Paddy will re-activate when she gets home (asked her via email).  She shut it down because the last comment that wasn't posted attacked people personally.

If you know who US Rep. Phil Hare, Dem representing the 17th District of IL.   Maybe his comments about not caring about the Constitution, caught on tape is the answer of those that voted for that Health Care Reform Bill.

I believe I made my point on Paddy's blog.   You commented on my spelling, but not saying I was wrong in anyway about Personal Responsibility.....

Have a great weekend...




Apr 02, 2010 12:58 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Kenneth:  Ok... so I will respond.  I didn't say much about you being wrong... because it was so obvious that what you were saying was just more of the party-line self-centered nonsense that the great majority of the rest of the comments espoused.

I will assume that either you did not watch President Obama today when he was speaking at the lithium battery facility in Charlotte today... or that you blew it all off.  He was masterful in the way that he answered ALL of the questions that were put to him... some of them pretty pointed.  No teleprompter, by the way.  He just really knows his stuff.

And... he repeatedly knocked holes in all the lies being trumpted by the conservatives in the House and Senate... about the Health Care Bill.  I can only hope that he has the nerve to grow those "brass ones" again... and do what is right about immigration and amnesty.  And I do NOT mean... putting "them" all on a bus and taking them back to Mexico.

The overwhelming attitude in the comments on Paddy's post was NOT one of personal responsibility... but simply... "I got mine, so the heck with you."  Typical Glenn Beck, Tea Bag prevarication and misrepresentation.

And... as far as Ruthmarie's last comment that Paddy deleted... it DID hit the automatic email... and I read it.  There were no specific attacks on specific people.  If anything, it was a generalized critique on the mean-spiritedness of the majority of the comments on that post.

It's that "free speech" thing again.  You know... the thing that conservatives want for themselves, but then attack the progressives when they speak freely.

Apr 02, 2010 02:54 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

OK... I watched your video.  What nonsense !  You have this Rep Phil Hare... talking about his, or someone's child who is in the hospital, facing a fifteen thousand dollar medical bill for their child.  He is brimming with emotion, and some smart-alec reporter, or guy with a video camera, asks him if he cares about the Constitution.  He says no... and then says that he cares more about the seriously ill child then the Constitution.

It was a set-up.  You know it, I know it, and the videographer knew it.  What parent WOULDN'T choose their child over some phony set-up question over the Constitution.

And the scam-question about "where in the Constitution does it say... blah, blah, blah ?"

Another set-up.  More of what they used to call "yellow journalism." 

It obviously doesn't say anything about Health Care in the Constitution, but there are many, many things that the Constitution... that was written over two centuries ago... does not say... specifically.  There are hundreds and hundreds of things that exist today... that were not "mentioned" in the Constitution.  Does that mean they they are not covered ?  Don't be so silly.

And... there's the old thingie about "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  And then that old "promote the general welfare" phrase.  Health care promotes life, it promotes liberty, and it surely promotes the "general welfare."  It's another circular attempt at an argument that Fox News is overflowing with.  Sorry... nice try.  Actually... it was a pretty poor try. 

The country that you portray... this is NOT the America that I know.  It is not the America that I grew up with.  And... the portrait you paint... would NOT be a country I would be proud of.  For shame.

And, oh yes... you have a great weekend, as well !

Apr 02, 2010 03:10 PM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA

Well Karen,  first I am not of any party. 

You forget that obama was an Attorney, which means you can tell that he is lying because his lips are moving...     And you are correct, my views are centered.   The rep. will not be able this time around to repeal the healthcare, but they will be strong enough to cut the funding for it after November.

As far as immigration goes, no amnesty.   And yes we can send them all back across the border just like in the 50's and operation "wetback".... shouldn't be a problem.   Btw, I since I have three screens for when I am on the computer, I always like watching  , which is from the Texas Sheriff's border site that has live cams so you can help them watch the border.  I will say that I have helped them catch at least 15 illegals trying to cross the border.  You see them, you report them and you can watch the border patrol go get them. 

Finally clear the smoke out from your eyes, get off your knees, obama is not masterful,  you get caught up in the emotion, where I read his speech that was posted on the White House website.  Yes we were losing jobs, and he blamed it on those before him, BUT congress was controlled for two years before he got there by the democrats.  So, is he blaming the democrats for the state of the economic turmoil?  Where is the biggest growth in employment?  Energy?  Manufacture? Small business?  Nope... biggest gain in employment is Government.  So who pays for that, we do...through the Recovery Act.  That's not a gain, it's a loss.   Also, obama touts that 50 million from the Recovery Act was pledged for this company that was matched by another 50 million dollar grant.  Ok, it's in the speech.   Now, I'm a business person, I live and breath by the numbers, he states that the company will create 300 jobs.  Correct, that means that for every worker hired it cost $333,333.00.  Now, according to the Gov't, the average pay of an american worker is $46,000.   With that money instead, he could have hired 2173 workers and paid them $46,000 a piece.  Where is the logic?

The first question.  He didn't answer, instead he asked questions back instead.  Never answering the question.  Smoke and mirrors.....

The second question.  Just like the first, never answered it.   At least when carter did his energy thing, which I agreed with and wish it had stayed in place, gave tax incentives.   But again, no answer to the question.

The third question.   Not answered again....

Fourth question:  (how did 30 million people uninsured now change to 50 million?)  He understands it, but doesn't answer the womans question.  Smoke and mirrors....

Fifth question:  Finally, he answered a question directly.

So this is what you call "masterful" ?  ......... oh please.


Apr 02, 2010 03:52 PM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA

Well... there you go again....


The Constitution is not a fluid piece of paper or ideas.  That is why it was written.  And yes, he was caught off guard, full of emotions, which he answered truthfully, and then was like a deer in the headlights knowing he was caught saying exactly what he felt.

Now, you like him just made another big mistake.... "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"... IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION or THE BILL OF RIGHTS.   It was in the Declaration of Independence.   Shall I send you a copy of all three, because it seems that you should read what are the base laws of this country.

Now, go have a great weekend.  I promise you I'll send you copy of all three so you can see exactly what is written where and how the current government is trying to rip them apart....


Apr 02, 2010 04:00 PM
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc - Gulf Breeze, FL
Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.

If one wants to see what is truly wrong with our country, hang out at a Food Stamp office, follow a Mexican home or work with HUD tenants for a month.

It was once said that all Russia would have to do to topple the US was wait and the US would be torn down by the sheer weight of non workers holding on to the one that do.

I parphrase a Russian president back in the 70s, I laughed at the time because I knew it couldn't happen, never would I have dreamed I would actually live to see it.


Apr 09, 2010 04:39 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Joyce:  How can you have such disdain for so many people who are so in need ?  And then you go and refer to a Russian president.  Typical... and sad.  I might suggest you lay off watching the Glenn Beck show for awhile.  I think it might be "getting to you."

Sure, there are some who misuse and take advantage of the systems that are in place to take care of those who really need it... and I agree, that flagrant misuse... needs to be stopped.

Apr 09, 2010 05:56 PM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA

Karen - Joyce is right.   To go further the Russians are laughing at the United States and our "obama socialist experiment", they tried the same programs that obama wants, they know that the USSR fell because of these same "social" programs.    The USSR couldn't afford the "everyone's equal" dream and neither can we.


What will it take for you to see that obama's programs are not going to work, but instead drive us into a debtor nation?

Apr 11, 2010 05:06 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Kids... both you and your comments are just plain pathetic.  If your attitude is as typical as you think it is, it makes me embarrassed to admit I am an American.

I am done here.

Apr 14, 2010 07:03 AM
Kenneth Young
Uni International LLC - Virginia Beach, VA

Karen - You should have been born in the USSR, you would have been happy there while it lasted.  But then, you would have seen all the social programs that you believe in fail with first hand knowledge.

Haven't you ever heard of the phrase "history repeats itself"?   obama is bringing us into his dream of what we know as failure programs.    IF it didn't work in the USSR, what makes you think that it will work here?  What?  Do what the soviets did, just throw money at it and maybe it will work?  They tried that and we all know how that turned out.

Now you can be an embarrassed American.

Apr 15, 2010 01:12 PM