Just when you thought you were NOT confused on facebook...
Here comes ANOTHER change!
Facebook recently announced a 'confidential' change to the way people engage with fan pages. While many are still trying to figure out the difference between a group and a fan page, Facebook is now going to change the verbiage from "become a fan" to "like". Not to be confused with liking a post, although you can still do that too! You can like a post, but not the page, or like the page. Confused yet? So was I! But it's ok, we will get through it! Here's the 'what':
- Fan pages will still be called fan pages.
- You will no longer 'become a fan' though!
- You will "like' the page
- You can 'like' JUST the post (as you do now)
- If you like the post, you just like it
- If you like the page, you have subscribed to it (like becoming a fan)
- Once you like the page, you will see that page's updates in your stream
- (I have no idea whether you will be able to un-like it)
So for those who hated the whole 'fan thing', you've got your wish! No more fans. What will you call your fans?
Facebook suggests that you call them 'connections' or 'people who like us on facebook' (not quite as catchy as facebook fan is it?)
Why the Language Change? Well, according to facebook they are changing the language people are much more likely (twice in fact) to 'like' something as click on 'become a fan'. Since there is huge value for facebook to know what you like (and who, and what you do, etc), they want to make it easier to know what you like! Contrary to popular belief, facebook is a business! The data that we as users provide them is valuable! So they want to make it easier to collect that data. Another reason mentioned is that Facebook is adding the 'like' concept across the web as a whole and they want to maintain consistency. People are already in the 'like' habit, so they see this as an easier thing for people to understand. (See this article for more about that) (I personally question the incentive of generating more ad revenue...) So, what does all of this mean? Well, for business owners it means that:
- you will need to change any marketing materials, etc that say "fan" (you won't want to appear out of date)
- you may find that you have more 'fans' (or likers?) because they will be more inclined to click like than fan
- you won't be as sure that they are true fans however (in my opinion)
- you may increase your 'likers' by the nature of more people clicking that like button means more of their friends see that connection
We won't really know until it all begins.
For facebook users it means that you can 'like' a post on a page, or like the page without calling yourself 'a fan'. It also means that you will be 'signing up for' posts from pages when you "like" the page, so you will want to pay attention and be aware of that.
None of us 'likes' change!
As frustrating as it might be at times, I try to remember that Facebook is an incredibly powerful tool than gives us tremendous value in many ways! Both personally and professionally! And we don't pay a dime for it! (We pay only in the information that we provide it). Like everything else in life, when you get stuff for free, you have to take what is provided. "Like it" or not...
So, I will take a deep breath, think about all of the fun, joy and benefit that I value in facebook, and roll with it! Even though right now I dont' really know if
I'll LIKE it :)
What are your thoughts?