Working as a buyer's agent in St Louis is a great experience. As a life long St Louisan, serving as a person or family's "greeting committee" and ambassador to St Louis is very fulfilling. Growing up, I always had a negative view of St Louis. It wasn't until I started growing up and realizing that there are people in just about every city that had the same negative view about their town as I had about mine. Many people I've met over the years are excited about living here, and I should be too.
Working with buyers, they give "wish lists" and "demand lists" about features they want in their new home. One common stipulation I get from out of town buyers is that they want to be in close proximity to public transportation.
Having worked in some type of sales job for all of my adult life, I've always depended upon driving. Public transportation wasn't a priority of mine until recently. Seeing the number of home buyer's moving to the St Louis area that depend upon public transportation and base thier home decisions on proximity to bus or metrolink lines was a big motivator. Last week I had that experience.
I worked with a man who's family was relocating here for his new job. The idea of buying a second car just so it can sit in a garage while he works didn't make sense. Several homes in south county had to be taken off his list because of possible cuts in transit that would result in the failure of our community to pass Proposition A this Tuesday.
In thinking about this experience, I was curious to see what other perspectives people had about this. I visited the a website and heard several different perspectives of current metro riders, from the new residents living in other more 'transit friendly' towns to the disabled, to those that simply ride it by choice. In watching the videos and reading the stories, I considered the impact of so many additional drivers on the highway and how it would affect traffic and the environment.
Individual stories may not justify a 'yes' vote for many people, but the big picture of our metropolitan area is more of a motivating factore for me. The negative folks that I've heard for years criticize our city for not being a Chicago or New York usually have a lot to say. Having a "second-tier" or worse transit system as a result of our own short sightedness and inability to jusify funding would have a negative impact on our city, its businesses, and residents far worse than the money it would cost to fund this service.
Its always nice to hear great things about our city from new prospective home buyers, Please consider supporting Proposition A this Tuesday so that "our lack of decent pubic transportation" isn't the prospective buyer's first impression of St Louis, or even worse, a prospective business CEO considering a move to St Louis.