
"REALTORS For Best Friends" GROUP is now OPEN & invites YOU to become a FAN!

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Honolulu

"REALTORS For Best Friends" GROUP is now OPEN & invites YOU to become a FAN!

Aloha California:

Now real estate professionals from all over the world can band together locally and help animals in need in your own areas as well as help others throughout the entire world.

We make a living finding homes for humans so allow the humanitarian in you to help find Forever Homes for animals in need.

After all many are homeless because of our own industry where families are loosing their homes and cannot afford to keep their pets, or relocate to a rental that does not allow pets.

Those of you who become FANS of this GROUP please spread the word to your co workers and even your competitors in the real estate world. Get on Active Rain and other real estate social networking websites and talk about what Best Friends Animal Society has done over the past 25 years for animals in need. Now you too have the unique opportunity to make a difference.

We have the presence and multitude of people and locations throughout the entire world to really make a difference in helping animals in need. We all love referrals, so lets work spreading the news about this GROUP to others the very same way, by referral. Please tell everyone you know in real estate about it and ask them to please become a fan.

We can start local Pet Food drives and get support for them plus be sure to have Pet Food in all food banks and even start local Pet Food Banks in cities where they have none. Strive for low cost spay/neuter clinics.

Get local Boards of Real Estate involved and even REALTOR.ORG if possible.  Obtain donations from large corporations and encourage pet food companies and local pet food distributors to help local animal rescues, shelters, and sanctuaries by donating pet food, especially the pet food that is getting near end of shelf life date yet  unopened. This includes food and feeds for all sorts of animals not just canines and felines.

If you have ideas and/or resources and contacts please let me know.

Should have have questions please email me directly at anytime.

One person can make a difference, however many people can make a huge difference in helping animals in need! So once you become a FAN let me know what  company yo are  with and what area you are located in.

Here is the link:

Please let us not worry about what company we are affiliated with, the common thread is compassion for helping animals in need! The avatar with be generic and not brand oriented.

I am a REALTOR-Associate with RE/MAX Honolulu on Oahu.

Also Team Leader for Hawaii Go Local so be sure to become a FAN and see all the wonderful resources we have there for helping animals in need.

Dennis Lubrano

Hawaii Go local Team Leader

Onyx, Juanilla, Ipo, Dennis, & Bubba on Kailua Beach