
Happy Bugs Bunny Day

Home Stager with Interior Solutions by J.D. Eiman

For all my awareness I just discovered today that I am totally unaware. I mean really - I knew about Breast Cancer Awareness, Black History Month and Get Organized Month. But other than the major holidays - I wasn't really aware that there was too much to celebrate. But I am so excited to find out that everyday there is something to celebrate - and I don't just mean one or two things - a lot ot things!

In fact for TODAY ALONE - July 27, 2007 there are 5 nationally (?) recognized "events":

  • National Parents Day
  • Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day
  • Bugs Bunny Day
  • National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day
  • Walk on Stilts Day

As silly as some of them are - taking houseplants for a walk - there really is no lack of things to take note of and that was just one day. If none of those tickle your fancy... grab any of the things to be aware of/ celebrate in this the FOURTH WEEK of the MONTH of JULY:

  • Equal parent's Week
  • Don't eat meat Week

I have to honestly tell you I don't even know what that first one means... but then again, I wasn't blessed with children to parent...if I had been, maybe then I'd get it! And still yet - if one of those didn't get you partying here are SOME of the things set aside for the MONTH of JULY. ( I deleted at least half for brevity's sake.)

  • National Purposeful Parenting Month (this one even I understand)
  • National Baked Bean Month
  • National Picnic Month
  • National Blueberry Month
  • National Ice Cream Month
  • Blackberry Month (I don't think they mean the PDA, in light of the next entry)
  • Cell Phone Courtesy Month
  • Eye Exam Month
  • National Hot Dog Month (which came first the eating contest or the designation?)
  • Psychiatric Disability Awareness Month
  • Fireworks Safety Month  (You think?)
  • Raspberry Month
  • National Hay Month
  • Red, White, and Blue Month
  • Wild About Wildlife Month
  • National Doghouse Repairs Month (do any dogs sleep outside, anymore?)
  • National Anti Boredom Month (hopefully I helped).

I just thought if you needed something to celebrate or some new " thing" to get you connecting with your audience at a presentation or networking group, you'd be interested to know. For more go to: Believe me, I've already checked the Web for my presentation next Wednesday to a real estate office and guess what?

                                              August is "Admit you're Happy Month"!

But seriously, in September I'll be handing out National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month material at the local caravan - it gets me face time - but more importantly RAISES AWARENESS for a little understood gynecological cancer. For more information go to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition's Web site at

And by the way happy Bugs Bunny Day!


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Bruce Bourgault, Vice President, Mpro
Central Pacific Homeloans - Honolulu, HI
Hi JD -- Thanks for sharing this incredibley informative post and for making the end of the day a little bit litghter.  OOPs -- got to run and take my ficus tree for a walk.  Aloha
Jul 27, 2007 12:53 PM
JoAnn Eiman
Interior Solutions by J.D. Eiman - Placentia, CA
Interior Solutions, Home Staging in O.C.
Thanks Bruce! Please be responsible and bring along a baggy - I know how ficus loose their leaves!
Jul 27, 2007 12:58 PM
Juliet Johnson
Vizzitopia - St Johns, FL
Jacksonville Photography & Digital Marketing

Too fun.  I'm really looking forward to August 17th when it's National Thriftshop Day.  Gotta admit, I'm kinda dreading August 1 - Play Ball Day - but it is supposed to be Respect For Parents Day too, so maybe I'll survive it!

This is a great icebreaker for those early morning networking breakfasts.  Thanks much.

Jul 27, 2007 01:01 PM
Nattalie de la Mothe
Maximum One Greater Atlanta Realtors - Atlanta, GA
Selling Atlanta Homes like a Boss

That is crazy... soo many days/months... Whats up with the bake beans month....

Interesting to say the least ..Thanks for sharing

Jul 27, 2007 01:54 PM
Margaret Ann Innis
Decorate To Sell - Merrimack Valley Real Estate Staging - Andover, MA
Real Estate Staging - MA & NH
NOCC is a truly wonderful organization which works to break the silence of Ovarian Cancer.  Haven for Healing is a communty effort offered by IRIS Stagers & Redesigners to create a Haven for survivors of Ovarian Cancer and their families.  1 in 57 women will be diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.  There are no symptoms.
Jul 27, 2007 03:50 PM
JoAnn Eiman
Interior Solutions by J.D. Eiman - Placentia, CA
Interior Solutions, Home Staging in O.C.


Thanks for your comment - through you i found the IRIS group! I hadn't found it before, went and made a new group  for IRIS and just deleted it! I am so excited to find all of you! I'm new to this site and was sad "we" didn't have a group. Thank you!

Jul 27, 2007 04:35 PM
Margaret Ann Innis
Decorate To Sell - Merrimack Valley Real Estate Staging - Andover, MA
Real Estate Staging - MA & NH
J.D.  - Welcome to the Rain!   Did you go to the IRIS convention in Nashville?   Thanks to Craig Schiller and the Active Rain Gods (lol) we have a wonderful place to share, network, brainstorm, laugh & cry!  Just thought of a new day  - Stage It Forward Day!  All the best, Margaret
Jul 28, 2007 02:11 AM
JoAnn Eiman
Interior Solutions by J.D. Eiman - Placentia, CA
Interior Solutions, Home Staging in O.C.

Hi Diane:

The edit/ delete buttons are for you to edit or delete your own comment/entry (when you misspell a word or think of a better reply). Only you see the "edit" but we do see "delete" this allows me the blogger to delete your comment if necessary to protect us from leaving a messag on our blog that might offend someone, etc

As to your questions: I am fairly sure you have to be a member of IRIS - although i am not 100% sure, so I'll do a little homework and get back to you.

Jul 28, 2007 09:57 AM
JoAnn Eiman
Interior Solutions by J.D. Eiman - Placentia, CA
Interior Solutions, Home Staging in O.C.


Thanks for the "welcome" I did go to the convention in Nashville and I was in San Antonio as well. Unfortunately I was very ill in SA and didn't really meet many people, but i got to know 3 ladies here in the O.C. in Nashville and we've gotten together once or twice and we are doing a Haven for Healing in September together! The is no local NOCC office here, so we are working with 2 other organizations. I called NOCC yesterday and asked for some of their bookmarks and she through in the business card size pieces too (about 100) to hand out at caravan in September. She was very excited to hear we were doing anything! Thanks for your nice comment on NOCC and the facts - I am so amazed by what I didn't know about ovarian cancer! Now I am educating my friends and family!

Jul 28, 2007 10:04 AM
abka defg
Fountain Hills, AZ
JoAnn, Happy Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. I lost two wonderful women in my life to this deadly disease and appreciate what you will be doing this month to spread the word about this silent killer.
Sep 01, 2007 05:17 PM
  1. this  shit is gay
May 05, 2008 02:46 AM
ma dick is bigger than urs u efn cok suckers suck ma fuckin dick
May 07, 2008 02:52 AM