Hello Fellow IRIS members....
I am new to this site (only really getting started in the last week) - just wanted you to know that when I didn't find IRIS (I did a search for "stage" - how did I miss you???) I made a new group and guess what I called it? "IRIS Stagers"... I made it private - and then wondered how I would find any of you... well I wrote a blog today that Margaret commented on - and through her comment i found you all!!
Yeah - I feel so happy!
So, first I want to apologize if anyone saw "my" group and took offense... It was promptly deleted when I found this group!
And secondly confess that I probably should have been doing more on the IRIS Web site - blogs and such - but I was just overwhelmed by it all. Now I am addicted to this stuff... instant gratification - you know!
I know a few redesigners but none that are serious about the staging side in my area - yet - I am probably surrounded by them... and like the group, i just haven't done my homework. But I am happy to have the 39 of you in the community to learn from and grow with.
Do most of you blog on both this and the IRIS Web sites? I really didn't understand blogging before but this site made it very easy for me to figure out. Is the IRIS site this easy?