LONGTIME BUYER: What do you do when you have a buyer that just can't seem to get an accepted offer? I submitted the 6th offer, on the fourth property they liked, and am anxiously awaiting word on whether it will be accepted or not.
I am feeling incredibly blessed to be as busy as I am, in the market we are in. So, I don't mean to complain, but WOW. I never knew this could take so long for one couple.
After submitting this offer, the listing agent told me she doesn't think the number will be strong enough, even though we came up by a large amount, and I wrote in the contract that I will give up .5% of my commission. Great house, great location, and I just want to get to closing! We have gone out 6 times since April to look at houses, and it is not very close to my house.
I am venting... I really do love my job, and these people are good people. She has even given me two strong leads... one has already gotten an accepted offer with me. So, suck it up and be thankful. Right?
MY FIRST DISASTER: A homebuyer had carpet installed on Thursday for their new home. Moving day is today. They went to the house yesterday, and the basement, along with the brand new carpet, was totally flooded.
She cried, and I cried for her. Got the Home Warranty, but that covers the sump only, not any damage it causes. Her insurance deductible is $1000. How awful.
Enough from me today....