Looking for an agent with REO, Bank Owned sales experience. The best service that can be offered would be from a local agent, one that resides and works the county the property is located in. I often see listings with agents from towns over an hour away. They do not even have local phone numbers. Local Realtors are more in touch with the local market, for example Kirkland and Olympia are completely different markets. Why would you hire an agent that is not close enough to show the home themselves, refill fliers, put up a sign that fell down or do a drive by to see there has not been vandalism? Even certain neighborhoods are quite different from others in price with-in the same town, how would an out of town agent know this? Need an agent in Thurston County, call me I know this County. Bernie Moats, SFR, Van Dorm Realty 360-701-3131
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John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs
This advice is so true no one knows the area like a local Realtor who would be able to service the property and listing.
Apr 06, 2010 08:20 AM