
Recycling Day in Norcross to Benefit the Norcross Coop

Real Estate Agent with Atlanta Housing Source at Solid Source Realty, Inc.
Hi Mark,  
  On Saturday, April 10th, the City of Norcross is hosting a Clean-Up and Recycle Day, and is asking for donations of non-perishable food items to benefit NCM. Here's how it works:
  Drop off your old electronics, computers,
keyboards, etc. at the Norcross Cultural Arts & Community Center. Unloading assistance will be available.   American Security Shredding will also be on hand at City Hall, so bring paper documents to be securely disposed of while you watch.    For details on shredding and electronics recycling, click here
In return, please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to NCM's food pantry.    Peek-a-Boo! The event is FREE and the City will be accepting a donation of food items in return. Simply bring non-perishable item such as:   - Cereals - Spaghetti Sauce - Dry Pastas/Rice - Peanut Butter & Jelly - Canned Meats    

Now's the time to do a bit of Spring house-cleaning. It's good for the environment, and for our community. Please pass along this announcement to friends, family and neighbors.   

Shirley Cabe Executive Director Norcross Cooperative Ministry   Join us in making a difference in our community.