
Never-Ever take your time for granted!

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart International

One year ago today I lost my dad.  I've been thinking about this day for the last month, wondering how I would feel, what it would be like.  I woke up this morning missing him.  I decided to write this blog as a tribute to my dad and remind all of us that you never know how long we have to spend time with our loved ones. 

Last year was an amazingly difficult year for me.  One week after purchasing our dream home, I was laid off from my job of 3 years.  My husband immediately packed me up and took me to visit my dad.  Dad and his wife have a gorgeous home on a golf course in Northern New Mexico.  It's so peaceful, tucked up almost 10,000 feet high in the mountains.  It's always been a place for me to go to 'get away'. 


Isn't it beautiful???  It was a wonderful time for me to spend with my dad and talk to him about my situation.  I decided to start real estate school.  He thought I would be great......he was very proud.  I was trying to get my classes finished and had gone to a Saturday class.  I'll never forget the phone call as I was driving home from real estate school. 

My dad was an insurance agent..........when insurance agents were compared to car salesman.  He was extremely successful.  I was always very proud of him and told everyone that he was an Allstate agent.  He, on the other hand was so humble that he didn't talk about his success.  I had forgotten about a lot of his accomplishments until we started going through some things that he had saved.  I have numerous trophies, certificates, pictures of trips he won as well as jewelry - cuff links, tie bars, tie tacks, rings, name it and he saved all of them.  

He gave Allstate over 30 years of his life and I remember most of it.  I remember as a little girl driving by his office in Albuquerque and my mom and dad would's funny now, but he really appreciated the opportunities that Allstate gave him and the success that he experienced. 


His passions were numerous and I could write a dozen pages about all the stories that I remember.  Dad loved to fish and the guys at the Orvis store in Santa Fe knew him by name.  He was an avid golfer.  The day he died he played 9 holes and proudly mowed the lawn around their beautiful home.

Their home is situated on the 5th Fairway of the Pendaries Golf Course in Rociada New Mexico........He called it his 'home hole'.  On one of my recent trips I saw the bench that we had made for him.  It sits among the trees at the tee box on the 5th hole.  The bench was made by one of the residents in Pendaries that makes iron gates.  He did a fabulous job and I wish I could remember his name so that I could pay him tribute as well. 



I didn't realize it until recently, but my business and the way I run it has become a reflection of what I admired most in my dad.  I often think back about all the perserverance and dedication he put into his business and how hard he worked to have something he could really be proud of.  I've just recently realized that the reason I've tried so hard to make this business a career is because he would never want me to give up. 

I hope I can be the kind of businesswoman that he would be proud to call his daughter.

Never, ever take for granted that there will be time later on..........You just never know when you'll get that phone call that will shake you in your boots.

Thank you for endulging me today on what is not only the 1st anniversary of the day my father passed away, but also the anniversary of the day, 37 years earlier, that 3 of his sons (my brothers) also passed away. 

I love you, Dad!!


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Tina Crossan
Diverse Realty Group - Ocala, FL
Diverse Realty Group
Sarah, I am sorry to hear about your dad.  My dad passed away in 2001 understand how you feel.  Thank you for making me stop and think all over again, we sometimes forget the little things while the people we love are constantly in our lives.  You story is an inspiration.
Jul 29, 2007 02:02 PM
Larry Bettag
Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001 - Saint Charles, IL
Vice-President of National Production
Awesome post...I do, however, take my time for granted, but I try not to....good to keep us grounded
Jul 29, 2007 02:06 PM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


Thank you! I know I was/still am very proud of my dad.


Thank you!


I'm sure it warms your grandparents hearts' to know that how much you appreciate what they have endured and the impact that it has had on your life.  Thank you!


You are so sweet.......brought another tear to my eye today.  Thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry for your loss as well.


Although I believed at the time that writing it was more theraputic for myself, I'm glad that it can serve as a reminder too.  Thank you and I'm also sorry for your loss. 


Jul 29, 2007 02:13 PM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


I have a brother that never spent time with my dad and he lives with this regret every day. I sincerely hope that no one will feel the pain that he has felt this past year.  Best wishes.

Jul 29, 2007 02:17 PM
Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Sarah:  A very nice tribute to your Dad.  I'm sure he would be proud of you.

I am going to Colorado for the new few days to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday.  Your tribute again made me realize how fortunate I am that he is still in such good health. It puts everything in perspective.

Jul 29, 2007 02:31 PM
Peggy Edwards
Future Home Realty - Westchase, FL
REALTOR - Green Designation, e-PRO, Tampa Bay, FL
Hi Sarah, all I can tell you is that with time your grief and pain will no longer be raw, and that's a blessing.  What a handsome man he was!  This is a lovely tribute to your Dad and I know he is very proud of you - it seems you learned a lot about life from him.  I'll be thinking of you today...
Jul 29, 2007 02:34 PM
Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn
Sell with Soul - Pensacola Beach, FL
Author of Sell with Soul

Sarah - how beautiful!! I know you, so I know your Dad is proud of you... although I'm sure he's shaking his head at some of the lessons you (and all of us young'uns) are still learning.

You were blessed to have a caring, loving father. Lotsa' people can't say that. YOu are a different woman from the one you would be without him.


Jul 30, 2007 01:25 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


I'm glad it could serve as a reminder. Enjoy your trip to visit your dad. 

Thank you. 

Jul 30, 2007 01:41 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


Thank you for your kind words.  Fortunately, my emotions are not as raw as they were a year ago. Thinking about what were going through a year ago has given me strength these past few days. 


Jul 30, 2007 01:44 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


I am blessed also because I have you in my life........thank you for your kind words.

Jul 30, 2007 01:46 AM
Dianne Barody
Century 21 AmeriSouth Realty - Pensacola, FL
Pensacola Florida Real Estate
Sarah, what a beautiful tribute to your Dad.  I know he is proud.  Sometimes life passes much too quickly.  Thank God  you have beautiful memories and what a legacy he left you.
Jul 30, 2007 06:35 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


Thank you.  I do have beautiful memories. 


Jul 30, 2007 07:10 AM
Penny Florence
Midvale, UT
What a wonderful tribute, thank you for sharing with us.  It is a wonder how time does heal the heart and soul.  
Jul 30, 2007 02:46 PM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


Thank you. 

Jul 30, 2007 04:04 PM
Loreena and Michael Yeo
3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co. - Prosper, TX
Real Estate Agents
Sarah, I am sure your dad is looking down on you, smilling and nodding his head. In his heart, he is telling him that he is very proud of you.
Aug 01, 2007 01:26 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


You are so sweet.  Thank you!!! 


Aug 01, 2007 01:31 AM
Lorna Hill
MVP Realty - Strawberry, AZ
Pine & Strawberry AZ Real Estate Agent

Hi, Sarah

What nice memories you have.  I never really knew my dad.  Your father sounds like the dad I had always dreamed of.  You are Special and I am very sure he knows.

Good to know you.


Sep 06, 2007 01:51 PM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


Thank you for your kind words.  I miss him terribly, but I know he loved me unconditionally, just as I love him.

It's good to know you too.  I look forward to meeting you in person.

Sep 07, 2007 01:28 AM
Lorna Hill
MVP Realty - Strawberry, AZ
Pine & Strawberry AZ Real Estate Agent


 Yes we are close enough to make that happen.  I look forward to it also.


Sep 07, 2007 08:47 AM
Lorna Hill
MVP Realty - Strawberry, AZ
Pine & Strawberry AZ Real Estate Agent


 Yes we are close enough to make that happen.  I look forward to it also.


Sep 07, 2007 08:47 AM