
Is Craigslist the only way that sellers think that homes are selling in Canton, Stark County, Ohio?

Real Estate Agent with Cutler Real Estate

Within the last week, I've spoken with two potential home sellers that seem to think that Craig's list is the best way for them to sell their homes. While I agree that Craigslist is a small part of the big puzzle, and every little piece fits together to make a complete picture, I don't think that Craigslist will be taking over as the number one source to sell homes any day soon. I post my listings on Craigslist, but I certainly do not rely that that's going to be the only thing that I need to do to sell homes.

The first people have been trying to sell their home "for sale by owner" for several weeks. They've admitted that most of their calls have included a lot of people with credit issues and hardship stories. But they feel confident that if they "stick it out", they will eventually get a good lead. I wonder how many "good leads" they may be passing up, by not having their home listed in the mls, and allow realtors to bring their ready, willing and able buyers to the home?

The second gentleman has never even seen Craigslist. He does not like computers. However, he has been told by a friend that Craigslist is the "only way to go" when selling a home.

As a realtor, I have never gone to Craigslist to seek out homes for my potential ready, willing and able buyers, and I don't foresee that happening, at least in the near future. I think a lot of Realtors in the Canton, Ohio, Stark County market, use it more for a sales tool, to find "for sale by owners".

I've heard of some fellow landlords that have great success on Craigslist. As far as a rental tool, I probably will use it myself the next time we have an opening, to see if we are successful. I think it's important to always keep an open mind, and to try and experiment, don't you?

I don't think the expertise of a real estate agent will ever be replaced. Specializing in the Canton, Ohio Home Market, with a niche in Stark County, I know that there are many aspects that go into affect when buying or selling a home. So I will use Craigslist as part of my marketing package, but I know that it certainly can't replace me in the future.

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Jody Lautenbach
Century 21 Premier Associates - Pella, IA

People look on Craig's list of stuff - but I think they really want an expert to buy and sell a  home. 

Apr 12, 2010 01:42 AM
Doug Rogers
RE/MAX Coastal Properties - Destin, FL
Your Real Estate Resource!

My FAVORITE CRAIGSLIST BUYER-- I love the house and think it is a steal at the asking price! I am getting a A)divorce

             B) medical

             C) alimony

             D) lottery

  settlement in "a few weeks". Would it be okay for me to move in a bit early? Seen this MULTIPLE times. Guess how often it works out??

Apr 12, 2010 02:35 AM