
RE/MAX Balloon attends North Suburban YMCA Healthy Kids Day

Real Estate Broker/Owner with ERA Andrew Realty

Families Invited to Fun, Free Day of Active Play and Resources for Healthier Living

 North Suburban YMCA Celebrates Healthy Kids® Day on Saturday, April 17

On Saturday, April 17 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, the North Suburban YMCA invites families in Woburn and the surrounding communities to participate in YMCA Healthy Kids® Day, the nation's largest health day for children and families.  YMCA Healthy Kids Day includes fun, engaging and creative activities for children and families and promotes year-long wellness and healthy living.  YMCA Healthy Kids Day events are free and open to all. 

"As families struggle to balance life's daily demands and persevere during an economic downturn, it is important that we reach beyond our YMCA facility to the entire community," says Amy Turner, Executive Director at the North Suburban YMCA. "Through this event, the North Suburban YMCA will give families the opportunity to take their minds off daily stresses, and instead have fun and focus on positive sustainable healthy lifestyle changes together, as a family."

As a special treat, the YMCA has partnered with local realtor, Carol McDonald Macri, and RE/MAX Leading Edge to bring the RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon to this year's event.  This is a very special opportunity... the ability to take a tethered ride in "Big Max", the RE/MAX of New England Hot Air Balloon.  Sponsored by Carol McDonald and RE/MAX Leading Edge, "Big Max," the seven-story-tall red, white and blue RE/MAX hot air balloon, will be offering tethered rides on Saturday, April 17th from 4 to 6 pm, wind and weather permitting. This invitation is open to the public.

"Most children don't ever have an opportunity to experience something like this.  It's great community fun! My family is part of the YMCA family and I'm thrilled to be able to bring the REMAX Balloon to town.  I know how important it is to support our local YMCA and ultimately our children and community."  said Carol.

The RE/MAX hot air balloon is the widely recognized corporate logo for RE/MAX real estate offices worldwide, owner of the largest corporate hot air balloon "fleet" in the world. The RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon combined with the phrase "Above the Crowd," is a registered trademark of the RE/MAX real estate organization.   

YMCA Healthy Kids Day will be celebrated across the country at more than 1,700 YMCAs. Last year, more than 700,000 attendees participated in YMCA Healthy Kids Day events nationwide.  This year, activities will include bouncing for your health in the bounce house, pool games, family exercise classes, water safety education, obstacle courses, and healthy foods.  ReMax Leading Edge will also offer balloon rides from 4pm - 6pm on the field.  Rides are $5 and all proceeds go to the North Suburban YMCA Reach Out Annual Campaign.

For more information about YMCA Healthy Kids Day, call the North Suburban YMCA at 781-935-3270 or visit

The North Suburban YMCA is dedicated to improving the health of mind, spirit and body of individuals and families in our community.  We welcome men and women, boys and girls of all incomes, faiths and cultures.  Serving the communities of Woburn, Winchester, Arlington, and Burlington, the North Suburban YMCA is the place to come this spring for fun and exciting programs.  We will never turn a family away due to inability to pay. 

For more information specific to the RE/MAX Balloon portion of the event, please contact or call 781-389-6184. 


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Frances C. Rokicki
Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC - Bolton, CT

Sounds like it's going to be a busy weekend for you:)  Very nice event for the kids:)

Apr 17, 2010 06:06 AM