
Perk Up Your Credit Score before Buying a House

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Looking to Buy a House? Beef up your Credit Score for more home!

Planning is the key to achieving what you want in time. Hence when you have decided to buy a house, the first action to take is start concentrating on your credit scores about six months in advance. You can order your personal credit report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian as these are important agencies recognized by the government and their reports play a part in determining your mortgage amount and rate.

Even before you receive your credit report, you can judge your score in simple ways. For instance, if you always pay your credit card bills on time and don’t have any pending dues against your name, your report is bound to be favorable. When you receive the actual credit score and report, read it carefully and find out if there is any discrepancy regarding payments made and a case of identity theft.

If your credit score is getting influenced due to some reason, you can demand explanation from the credit company as you have never defaulted in payment. Make an application for modifying the report immediately as it takes about two months for the changes to be made and reviewed.

Besides this, a home buyer can improve his credit score by abiding to certain guidelines. Lesser amount loans should be cleared as soon as possible. Don’t pay only the minimum amount due on your credit card as this will add to the pending balance on your card. You are also charged interest for the same. Try not to inquire about fresh credit facilities. Ensure that your credit reports are free from past records of any collection or bankruptcy or identity thefts.

Remember that closing a credit card or loan account puts you in a bad light and can reduce your credit score. Do not remove accurate records from the credit report. Similarly, even if you clear all the dues on a bankruptcy account, it is not going to help you with the credit score. An individual who never misses the deadline for credit card payments is given a good credit score.


We Buy Houses and help prevent foreclosure Pennsylvania is a Real Estate Investing company that buys and sells houses in the following counties of Pennsylvania: Northumberland | Union | Columbia | Montour | Juniata | Perry | Dauphin | Snyder | Mifflin | Centre | Lycoming.

If you are wanting to buy a home or you have a home that you need to sell, contact us to see how we can help!

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