
Why You Should Choose a Low Cost Community Like Bloomington

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Realty Professionals
Bloomington is the kind of town that becomes apart of your life. Whether you cross through the Sample Gates, stroll through abundant organic produce and flowers at the Farmer’s Market, or take in a musical performance at the IU Auditorium, Bloomington is a city that leaves you wanting more. This is probably why many people return to Bloomington to call it home. TIME magazine author Dan Kadlec said it best in his article, “Should I Move to a Low Cost Region?” Pointing out that “moving from Los Angeles to Bloomington for example, you'd save 15% on groceries, 61% on housing, 8% on utilities, 14% on transportation and 13% on health care each year." He also commented that Bloomington offers low cost options for entertainment that cater to its citizens, which has a great small town atmosphere but has entertainment, educational pursuits and sporting events that parallel with bigger cities. For more information about this article:,28804,1951190_1951189_1951179,00.html