
E-Agent Feedback Users.........I need help!!

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart International

I use for feedback requests on showings.  Lately I've been getting an error message on all the showings that I have tried to input. 


I have tried to e-mail at the e-mail addresses they have on their website

I have sent my requests from2 different e-mails sites and all my requests have been returned as undeliverable.  I can't find a phone number or even where this company is located. 

Shame on me for not knowing this before I signed up.  I'm so frustrated that I'm ready to cancel my service and go to another company.  

Does anyone have contact information for this company??

Thank you



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Scott Slocum
Florida Future Realty Inc. - Cape Coral, FL
Scott Slocum & Associates 239-222-4800, Cape Coral
I haven't used there services but I have to tell you this is a great way to manage your listings, provide instant feedback for you to give to your buyers, and it allows you to spend more time on the streets working leads...
Jul 30, 2007 04:35 AM
Mary Warren
Las Vegas, NV
Try  Hope that works!
Jul 30, 2007 04:38 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


I really have liked having it and I agree with you.  When it works, it's great.  I'm just so frustrated that I can't find another way to contact them.  


Jul 30, 2007 04:39 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


I have tried that and,, and they all come back as undeliverable. 

Thank you though

Jul 30, 2007 04:43 AM
I would suggest using instead.  I can always get a hold of them and I've been a member for 2 years.  They've been around the longest so I'm pretty sure they are a solid company
Aug 01, 2007 05:59 AM
Sarah Wynn
HomeSmart International - Cave Creek, AZ


That is definitely who I will switch to if I can't get this resolved.  Thank you for your feedback about the company.........ironically, I had their website saved in my favorites and thought that was the company I used.  They were very responsive which is what actually made me consider them.  They were very helpful and quick to realize that I had contacted the wrong company. 

Have a great day!! 




Aug 01, 2007 06:22 AM
John Murray
I've been using the eagentfeedback showing feedback system and for over a year and it has worked great for me. For support, I send email to and everytime I've received an answer within minutes.  I am not sure why you are not able to get through.  Good luck.  
Nov 29, 2007 06:11 AM