
Don L. Price aims to satisfy the consumers’ “caving” for instant gratification with Hypnosis Audio-on-Demand availability at

Education & Training with Don L. Price/Hypmovation Inc.

Burbank, California -- July 30, 2007 -- Don L. Price leader and innovator of hypnosis training in the corporate market place and personal success coach announced today that he aims to satisfy the consumers' "caving" for instant gratification with Hypnosis Audio-on-Demand availability at

Don L. Price and Hypmovation has helped tens of thousands of people become better sales people, lose weight, stop smoking, manage stress, improve self confidence, play sports with excellence, overcome fear doubt and procrastination and experience Inner Peace & Wealth through radio, television, corporate seminars, private sessions and audio programs.

Don said that opens up a direct worldwide link for the consumer, who has a Need-it-Now mind set, to help solve their problems, with hypnosis, in the present moment.  He came to LuLu because he wanted to be in control of all publishing process and found LuLu's audio-on-demand tools to be fast, easy and, most importantly, free. His hypnosis cds are for purchase at, in a marketplace filled with other unique and wonderful surprises.

In an interview with Don L. Price, he said that hypnosis audio-on-demand is the wave of the future and the future in now. He stated that equally important to giving the consumer instant purchase gratification all programs provide a preview to aid the consumer in making the right purchase. Hypnosis is truly magical and at the same time clearly explainable and understandable. You can only begin to imagine the positive and dramatic effects it will have on your journey for greater success in life and business.

Link to Hypnosis Audio-on-Demand *:

About Don L. Price/HTI

Professional Speaker, Author and Mentor in 3 countries providing Private and Group Hypnosis Sessions, Personal Success Coaching, Sales Seminars, Train-The-Trainer Sales Hypnosis Certification, Hypnotic Communications Workshops and Mental Fitness Programs.


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Val Rensink
HomeSource Lamoreaux Group - Victorville, CA

Hi Don,


I am curious, just wondering where your training the hypnotic one was received and

how long did you have a certification and is it Elsdall or Ericksonian or ?

I have looked at some of your posts--- is this still working for you

in the market.... now?

Dec 20, 2011 08:25 AM

Hi Val...

The answers to your questions are:  I have studied Erickson and others and my certification was in 1976... all my advance training has been with my mentor Jim Zinger founder of Hypnovation Inc. and Hypmovation Training Institute.  

When you asked the question "is this still working for you in the market... now?... the simple answer is Absolutely and I'm very active... you can see all the activity at and 

Thanks for the questions.

Stay Lively and Healthy in Life and Businss... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,



Dec 20, 2011 09:03 AM