A friend just called and said he heard the iPhone would be available in June on the Verizon network! IN addition, he said it would have HD camera and movie capability, very large memory (32 or 64 Gig), and a 4G network capability. Sounds like that may be the ticket- but i do like my Blackberry right now. A closer look may be warranted though!
Randy: I'm in the same boat, waiting patiently until a good enough phone comes out to replace my Blackberry. If everything in your post is accurate about the Verizon iphone, that sounds perfect (especially since I have an ipod, too). Thanks for sharing!
I like my Blackberry Bold 9700. I had a Blackberry Curve prior to that and I've always found it very easy to use. I wish that AT&T would get the Blackberry Storm which is still exclusive to Verizon. I would hope if Verizon is getting the I-Phone that AT&T would get the Storm soon.
David, I sure hope it works out. My wife has been bugging me ever since our daughter got an iPhone at college. Then all her co-workers have them.....
Paul, I just like the keypad too much. My office mate here has the Storm and she likes it fine, though. I noticed the new Verizon phones are coming with Wi-Fi, which is a a great idea!
Jeff, this whole proprietary thing is holding this country back (although it is closely linked to capitalism, which made this country great!). Even third (minus) world countries I visit have better cell systems than us. I guess when you start from zero, you can build what ever you want.
I broke my phone at RainCamp and ended up with an iPhone - had it for 2 weeks now and can't believe i put it off for so long! My favorite is how voicemails are stored.
I broke my phone at RainCamp and ended up with an iPhone - had it for 2 weeks now and can't believe i put it off for so long! My favorite is how voicemails are stored.
Hey, Billie, thanks! Are there special Real Estate apps that would help everyday tasks?