Sonoran Property Inspections has done numerouse phoenix home inspections lately and have come up with the same item more times than not. That is pool safety items! This is serious stuff folks, I hate to write this stuff up but I hate the potential results much more. Please tell your clients if they have a pool to get the gates checked, get the pool inspected for safety. We all hear about the teagic outcome of children getting into the pools becouse of a broken gate, broken or unsecured fence ect. This is all avoidable! Please check your pool for safety. Here is a quick check list for pool safety:
Gates must be 60" above grade and be self locking and self closing
Fencing must not have any toe hold or ways for some one to climb the exterior of the fence and it to must be 60" above grade
CPR- make sure anyone who uses the pool knows how to perform cpr.
Go out to the pool with a cell phone or the cordless phone. DO NOT leave your children in the pool un supervised for any reason.
Get your children enrolled in a swimming class. They can start lessons as early as 6 months old. Some times they are even free.
Make sure the gates are locked if you are not home.
This is a short list of the more seriouse items to pay attention to. We consistantly see the poor gate and fence condition when doing our phoenix home inspections. These items are so easy to correct, please don't take action now. Drownings are preventable.
We're always happy to talk to you about your phoenix home inspection, give us a call at 480.415.7977 to see how we can help you.