
From My Grandfather's Ledger, Part II

Real Estate Agent with Atlas Property Group and Abbey Church Properties

In one of my previous blog posts I told about cleaning out closets, which was one of my New Year's resolutions. In doing so, I came across a ledger that my grandfather kept.

I never knew my grandfather as he died more than 10 years before I was born. Gottlieb Klenk was born in Germany and came to America with his parents as a young boy. His was truly an American success story. The family settled in Defiance, Ohio and Gottlieb became a sheet metal worker, an entrepreneur, an inventor, a real estate investor, and a father of two boys.

His ledger strangely includes many, many newspaper clippsings relating to not only his accomplishments, which were many, but also varioius health tips. These remedies include how to treat the common cold, the evils of smoking, why you should not whip your children, etc.

He also had hand written notes among the clippings and rental accounts. One that I thought was timely both in the early 1900's as well as now is:

"What would you do, if you could do what you like to do.

For your occupation, to make an honest living.

What would you do, if you could do what you would like to do.

To make yourself useful"

So I ask you and I ask myself:

What would you do, if you could do what you like to do.

Hopefully we will all respond similarly to my grandfather

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Sharon Parisi
United Real Estate Dallas - Dallas, TX
Dallas Homes

How wonderful that you have your grandfather's ledger!  I would be doing exactly what I am doing: selling real estate.

Apr 20, 2010 12:10 PM
Elizabeth Bolton
RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate Cambridge, MA - Cambridge, MA
Cambridge MA Realtor

Hi Lisa ~ If I have to make a living - definitely real estate - it's absolutely a matter of finding my bliss. But if I didn't have to work - all I want to do is read - so many books, so little time!


Apr 20, 2010 01:41 PM
Susan Neal
RE/MAX Gold, Fair Oaks - Fair Oaks, CA
Fair Oaks CA & Sacramento Area Real Estate Broker

Hi Lisa - What a treasure you have in that ledger.  Suddenly you are close to a man you hadn't met before, and can benefit from his wisdom.

Apr 20, 2010 02:07 PM
Andy Chaudoir
Professional Inspection Services - Georgetown, Texas - Georgetown, TX
Your Home Inspection Connection in Central Texas

Hello Lisa - It's beginning to look like there will be lots of great wisdom to absorb from your grandfather's ledger.  Thanks again for sharing.

Apr 20, 2010 02:32 PM
Joetta Fort
The DiGiorgio Group - Arvada, CO
Independent Broker, Homes Denver to Boulder

Easy - I would write!  I think that's why I'm so happy blogging works so well with a real estate career.

Apr 21, 2010 02:02 AM