Actually, I've already given you tip #1
1. Use a number in your headline
By using numbers such as "3 Tips" or "5 Reasons" you imply that your blog will be easy to read and understand. You are conveying that you are using bullet points that will not require an in depth analysis by the reader. In this age of USA Today news, many people only want the basics.
2. Keep the headline short
This is especially true if you are sending a blog newsletter via email.
Conventional wisdom says that all subject lines should be five to eight words and no more than 40 characters long because some email clients will cut off the rest.
3. What's the buzz?
Find out what your customers and members are buzzing about. It may be a local election, a new zoning law, a great restaurant, or the latest economic news. Pay attention to what your sphere of influence is talking about at work, at lunch, at church, at board meetings, etc. This will tell you what is of current interest to your clients.