
Breathing is Good!

Mortgage and Lending with Mortgage Express

Everyone hold your breath...

I mean it!  Everyone hold your breath!

Keep holding it.



Are you uncomfortable yet?

Don't quit!

Do not breathe!!!

Lungs burning?

Okay...GASP for air NOW!

There are times in the real estate lending business when it feels like we are all holding our breath.  There are convoluted details that require the cooperation of multiple entities all working in unison toward a common goal.  Sometimes folks want to help and be part of the solution.  Some times folks are at the end of their ability to care...and they let you down.  Your reputaion, your referral relationships, you client's hopes and dreams not to mention your personal income are on the line.

All you can do between the plea for assistance and the finish line is HOLD YOUR BREATH!

After years in the business, I have developed pretty impressive lung capacity.  Last night I was put to the test!  Today being the last day of the month there exist deadlines.  (and I do mean DEAD)  So at 2 am I sat on my living room sofa, watched the latest episode of John From Cincinatti, popped a Pepcid, and tried to breathe. 

When the 1 pm funding hour had come the entire assembly gasped in unison!  FUNDED! YESSSS!

I would like to send an electronic THANK YOU to everyone who made this day possible.

I am reminded that everytime someone asks for my assistance, I have to opportunity to help them breathe too! 

Breathing is GOOD!







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Bruce Bourgault, Vice President, Mpro
Central Pacific Homeloans - Honolulu, HI
Kelli -- I gave your post a 5.  It is always like this and I have been in the business for 23 years!  Aloha
Jul 31, 2007 11:24 AM
Bruce-  Thanks for stopping by and reading.  Thanks for the 5!
Jul 31, 2007 11:28 AM
Chuck Christensen
Your Financial Coach - Bellingham, WA

You obviously didn't have a loan going with ABC who closed thier doors this morning and we were supose to close on Friday...late this afternoon I get a message that FNBA will cover those...whewhooo! saved....but will probable need an extention...over the years I have gotten really good at begging for those...but i hate loosing a locked rate...had to buy it down a 1/4...

Jul 31, 2007 11:32 AM
Chuck-  Lender was Vertice.  They were great to work with, but I have had several ABC type fallouts in the past months.  I celebrate with you on the FNBA solution.  WHOO HOO! 
Jul 31, 2007 11:40 AM