Do you ever enter a home for sale that just doesn't feel right?
Are you sensitive to spaces that give off a bad vibe?
As realtors and stagers we enter thousands of homes and there's no mistaking that some places feel great and others make us want to head for the back door.
In this competitive market it's important to eliminate any negative energy that exists in the home. At Home Stage Home we have found that a little bit of HOME CLEANSING can be just as important as HOME CLEANING. My ritual includes opening up all the doors and windows (weather permitting) cabinets and closet doors and ringing a bell in all the corners of the house to break up any unwanted negative energy. I also like to play my favorite music while staging and I'll go as far as thanking the house for letting me visit and giving a little affirmation for a successful sale. I haven't gone as far as "smudging" with burning sage in case buyers would be put off by the smell but I do like a healthy breeze of Citrus Magic when I'm done.
What are your HOME CLEANSING rituals if you have any and do you think they work in giving off a positive vibe for potential buyers?