
New Hospital Opening in Round Rock

Real Estate Agent with Realty Austin 423102
Next Monday, August 6, the new 72-bed Scott & White University Medical Campus Hospital will open.  The hospital is affliated with Texas A&M University and their 3rd and 4th year medical students will be able to do clinical work there.  The new hospital has hired 200 employees and will focus on hear & vascular care, orthopedics and women's services.  As I have said before - more employment will bring more buyers!!!
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Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)
Hey David - I found your profile when I was looking at some stuff about Round Rock on  I have been pretty actively blogging here at Active Rain.  It was great seeing you at the THSC Conference in the Woodlands.  Hope you are doing well - let me know when you would like to go to lunch.  Take care and God bless -
Aug 26, 2007 12:16 PM