
Explanation of Why Pole Photography Works

Real Estate Agent with, Inc.

It's hard to imagine how being just 16 feet off the ground can make such a HUGE difference in photograph of a home.  So, I decided to show with a real example of why it works so well to show the setting of a home.  The photos below show a home with a ridge behind it.  The ridge is about  300 ft higher than the house and about 1000 feet behind it.  With the ground level shot, the home completely obscures the hillside, and you have absolutely no idea that the lovely setting is there.  By getting the camera up off the ground on a pole just 16 feet, the ridge comes into view as well as the trees.  That's how it works.  The photographs really show it.

So, if the home you are photographing has a lovely setting, you might seriously want to try to get that camera UP just a bit. 

Margaret Hokkanen, Encinitas Real Estate

PS: If you need some help creating your pole photography camera, you might take a look at my husband's new site,, where he is selling his cool little camera adapter for your standard painter's pole.  ;)

Pole Photography Explanation



Don Stern
Realty Executives South Louisiana - Baton Rouge, LA
Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate

Thanks to both you and John for the tips on Pole Photography.  I've noticed that your pole photos seem to be much sharper than your gound level photos.  Is this due to a different camera, Photoshop processing, or something else?

May 03, 2010 08:18 AM
Lee Jinks
Jinks Realty - McAllen, TX

Margaret, I also think PAP helps the house not look so flat in addition to giving the front yard some depth.

May 03, 2010 11:36 AM
Marlene Hoffman - Naples Beach Condos
Downing-Frye Realty, Inc. - Naples, FL

Your point is well made.  Nice shots.

May 05, 2010 04:17 AM
Margaret Hokkanen

Don,  You are just so detailed!  You are absolutely correct, though it was unintentional.  The on-the-ground photos were taken to illustrate the difference.  I did not fully adjust for color and sharpness only because I don't use those photos in the actual marketing of the home.  So, the resulting softness was unintended. 


May 06, 2010 07:55 AM
Robert Foster
United Country-Michigan Outdoor Properties - Northern Office - Wolverine, MI

Nice shots.   We offer elevated shots also.  The trick is to take more than one shot because it is harder to frame the shot.

May 14, 2010 01:04 PM
Michael Yearout
Michael Yearout Photography - Breckenridge, CO
Michael Yearout Photography

Yes, it makes quite a difference.


May 22, 2010 09:27 AM