
My business partner takes the Alcatraz Challenge, and his secret weapon is hypnosis.

Education & Training with Don L. Price/Hypmovation Inc.

Glendale News Press  by RYAN VAILLANCOURT                   August 1, 2007

When Glendale resident Jim Zinger, 65, wades into the chilly San Francisco Bay on Sunday to swim the 27th annual Alcatraz Challenge, he'll be among the oldest and coldest athletes in the water.

Unlike most men and women signed up for the event, which starts at the former federal prison on Alcatraz Island and ends 1.5 miles away on the lush green shores of the Presidio, Zinger doesn't plan to wear a wetsuit over his trunks.

"Out of 650 swimmers, I think there's less than 40 going, as we say, 'naked,'" race director Gary Emich said.

But Zinger, a professional hypnotist, has a secret weapon that he likens to a mental wetsuit.

Read the rest of the story here

·  RYAN VAILLANCOURT covers business, politics and the foothills. He may be reached at (818) 637-3215 or by e-mail at

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Darrel Quebedeaux
Evergreen Realty & Associates Inc. - Newport Coast, CA
I wish him good luck.
Aug 01, 2007 07:25 PM
Don L. Price

Thank you!  Channel 7 will air news coverage on him today 8/2/07 at 4pm

Don L. Price:
Coaching Minds To Succeed
Author, Sales/Marketing & Positive Change
Solution Provider, International Speaker & Success Coach
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Aug 02, 2007 06:58 AM