By Diane Sawdon
The date of my birthday designates me as a Capricorn. My sign of the Zodiac is the (old) goat. Now, my friends who are Horoscope savvy, have told me that Capricorns are forever climbing mountains in their lives. I tend to agree and this past month I have been attempting to climb, step by step, the most monumental mountain of my life. After a fall in her home, my almost 92 year-old-Mother had to be sent to the hospital---against her will. She was just fine and told the paramedics of this fact in no uncertain terms. After eight days in the hospital, I was forced to make the decision to put her in a convalescent home near me. Driving almost 150 miles each way to Walnut Creek was no longer going to be an option for us. A good friend and neighbor volunteered to go with me to visit the three homes in our area. Our visits, for me, were a reality horror show. If you ever feel that life has not treated you fairly, I command you to go and visit a home near you. It is a sad, desolate, wretched, miserable and heart-rendering experience. I walked out of one and just buried my head in the steering wheel of the car. I had made the decision to do this and I knew I had to pick one and I hoped my choice was the correct one. When my Mother arrived, she was placed in a locked down dementia ward. She was out of there in less than 48 hours. It is a place with no hope and no light at the end of the tunnel. It is a one way pass on a spiral course to oblivion. Now, we are dealing with the astronomical costs of long term care there. How does 6-7 thousand dollars a month fit into your budget?? What assets get liquidated first?? Is there a chance she could go to a Board and Care Home at half the price?? My Mother, the Queen of Control, is now controlling her world by telling everyone on staff, NO! She is angry, at me, I am sure, but tells me that everyone is so good to her. I am digging deep to find patience. Each day is a new chapter. I just hope this entire adventure is not a classic example of, “be careful what you wish for..........” I still have not reached the capstone of my mountain.
If you follow my ramblings at all, you know that our Sacramento daughter has been involved in three different Short Sales in her pursuit of home ownership. I am thrilled to share with you that she is in escrow and should be a home owner in a few short weeks. I guess the third time was the charm for her. I see many painting parties in my future, but I am ready for the task. Owning your home, your first home, is a cause for celebration. Home is where your story will begin, daughter of mine! We have some new residents at our home. I believe they will be here for just a short period of time and I am convinced that they are truly “bird brained.” We have a wreath hanging on our back door and we go in and out of this door countless times a day. Our white cat, Jasper, gave us the first clue. He would sit on the washing machine for hours and stare out the window. We searched all the nooks and crannies of the eaves and rafters and found nothing. Then we noticed all sorts of nest building materials on the welcome mat. Less than four feet off the ground, Mr. and Mrs. Bird have built their nest in our wreath! This morning we were thrilled to find two, tiny eggs in the nest. We are keepers of the future for Mama and Papa Bird. Now, if we can only keep Jasper off of the washing machine.
Happy May to everyone.......................