Non-Traditional Mortgages available again...
What is a Non-Traditional Morgtage
Are traditional mortgages not availalble to someone you know?
Are you a foreign national?
Do you have a TIN instead of a Social Security Number?
Have you had a recent Bankruptcy, Foreclosure or Short Sale?
Do you have less than perfect credit?
If you have a large down payment and a way to pay back the loan, I have a connection that can fund loans for investment properties, 2nd homes and owner occupied properties
So what's the catch?
35 - 50% down payment with a 12% interest rate.
Also, 8% origination, plus other closing costs...
Here is an example -
Sales Price $190,000
Down Pmt. 40%
Down Pmt. $ 76,000
Origination 8% $9,120
Plus Title/Escrow/other closing costs
Loan Amount $114,000
I/O Payment $1,140.00/month (plus taxes, insurance, HOA)
No Prepayment Penalty.
Interest Only Payment.
Non-owner occupied, note due in 24-36 months
Owner Occupied, note due in 60 months
Call me for details: