Work smarter, not harder! Here's how.
Who isn't strapped for time? These days everyone's dealing with a ton of issues every day. Here are some tips from the experts on how to get the maximum done in the minimum time.
1. Stop multi-tasking. It's easy to get drawn into this modern work habit, with phone calls, emails and social networks clamoring for our attention -- along with all the work we have to do. But studies show multi-tasking doesn't necessarily increase productivity or help us get things done more quickly. The best approach is to work on just one task at a time till it's finished.
2. Eliminate unprofitable clients. If people take up way more of your time than they're worth, be realistic and let them go elsewhere. These clients are costing you money as well as time -- and keeping you away from more profitable opportunities.
3. Stay focused. Set aside time for work without phone, email or online interruptions. To keep yourself focused and efficient, set time limits for finishing tasks. Try using a timer, but be realistic with your estimates.
4. Delegate. If you're not good at something, or don't have time for it, hand it off! See if the job can be given to someone in your organization or outsourced to a virtual assistant (VA). VAs are available for everything from setting up social networking, to doing blogs, newsletters and online marketing. Or hire an intern. Check with local colleges, social networks, Craigslist or LinkedIn.
5. Document your processes. Write down the steps you take for key tasks you regularly do. This eliminates working out how to do something over and over again and ensures your efforts are consistent. A written-out process is also a big help if you hire someone or outsource the task.
6. Look for new opportunities. Example: a Realtor in New York may use to get leads for their business, searching key terms like "moving to New York."
7. Phone efficiently. Keep phone calls short and on topic. Don't let the phone interrupt you when working on a project that requires concentration -- let all calls go to voicemail.
8. Manage your emailing. Keep separate work and personal email accounts. Do not check personal emails unless you're taking a break or finished work for the day. Set specific times to check your business emails and don't respond to them immediately unless they're urgent. Wait until you can answer them all.
9. Schedule time for yourself. To work your best, you need to feel your best. Make sure you stay active and enjoy your family, friends and personal pursuits. Book the time for these things -- and don't cancel!
"Work smarter, not harder" is an old adage, but more relevant than ever today. Master the approach and your whole work life will be easier -- and more successful.... Have a great month!