
Real Estate and Patient Advocacy...A Common Thread!

Real Estate Agent with Bennion Deville Homes (Formerly Windermere Real Estate) - Palm Springs Area

I hope our latest blogpost, "Mother's Day, Patient Advocacy...and Real Estate" resonates with you. It's interesting to see how a common theme becomes the foundation of several goals. And it's our hope that this post motivates some of our readers to join us in finding ways to develop and implement much needed patient advocacy.

I feel good about our efforts to educate our clients rather than sell them - in much the way that I feel satisfied that my mother has every advantage in her fight to overcome some daunting medical issues because of my quest to absorb all I can to help her.

As responsibilities for my Mom demanded that I obtain as much information as possible to accurately weigh the advice received from the "experts", the process re-confirmed that our clients required as much information as we could give them in order to properly consider our real estate advice. But what about all the people (older or younger) who need but don't have patient or real estate advocates?

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