So very glad I made the move to Virtual Homes Real Estate in Amherst, NH. Besides hands on webinar or face to face monthly training and a lead generation system that can't be beat, my new company company has ordered new signage, has comandeered an information booth at the local home buyer show at The Radisson Hotel in Manchester, and has generally proven to be all they said they would be. Management has been in place for decades and more than once I have needed to get second opinions from Fred Doleac when a transaction became sticky from legal or stategic standpoints. Fred supports my website presence and my use of full length video, blogging, Trulia positioning through local ads, postcard mailings, car magnets and has taught me how to prevent hijacking of my listings and how to remain at the TOP of page 1 of Google through NATIVE search engine positioning strategies. He also provides links to market reporting and encourages me to post to various blog sites to help my SEO and visibility for my clients' listings.
If you are about to list your home, PLEASE come and talk to Fred and me!