As real estate agents it is out job to educate our clients when purchasea home. Although most of us are not attorneys or CPA's, we can not get legal or accounting advice but we are able to suggest to our clients to seek additional advice.
One topic that I do not believe is discussed often enough is the importance of a living will and trust. I know that most people do not like to think about their final days and figure they will do it later, but we need to instill the importance to protect their assets and to spare some grief if that day should come sooner then expected.
Living wills and trusts are not very expensive and can even be done on-line (legalzoom). If a Will and Trust is established before escrow closes you an have escrow record the property into the trust after it closes so that you do not forget to do it.
It is also VERYimportant to remind your clients that if they refi their home to be sure they record the property back into the trust. Several years ago I had a client that put their home in a trust and then did a refi. The owner planned on putting the home back into the trust and never got around to it and then suddenly passes away. The family had a horrible time dealing with the death of their loved one and the on top of it have to deal with the Probate paperwork that could have so easily been avoided had the property been in a trust.
Maybe a good closing gift would be a referal to a good estate attorney - and who knows maybe you will get a few referals back!