We Are On The News!!!
As Real Estate Agents, any agent can work with buyers who today who can't get a mortgage due to strict lending guidelines...but they don't because it is not as proffitable or they feel it is too risky. A few years back we started Lease Option Group and then added Owner Finance Group. Since then we have been very successful with buyer referrals from the District Attorney and being noticed by the media including the Oregonian and Katu Channel 2 News Portland. Here is a clip of the broadcast about Owner Financing. Anna Song interviewed Dave Van Nus and the buyer and sellers in this video both worked with Dave and Jeremy. In fact, right after this broadcast, the sellers home sold a week later. The power of Creative Financing should always be explained even if it is not an option. In this market you have the right to know.
For More Info On Lease Options or Owner Financing go to our website and contact Dave and Jeremy