Prop2GO opened its doors two years ago and planned to take the company nation wide down the road . Recently Prop2GO has really stepped up its service by gaining several new clients and now having 10's of thousands of listings usable to the public. Being a virile competitor for other online listing agencies such as Kijiji, Craigslist and MLS. By becoming a global online listing agency one of the first steps Prop2GO will take will be expanding into the United States This will is going to be a great venture for the company and will open up several doors. Due to the great news and expansion in the company, Prop2GO has recently been televised on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). On the television program local citizens were interviewed about how they enjoyed reveal their property online and how easy and user friendly the Prop2GO functionality is. Also in the program there was a sit down between the CEO of Prop2GO, Jason Richard. Jason explained the importance of online marketing and how using a program such as Prop2GO can really benefit anyone who is trying to list or buy a property , it is functionality and usability which makes Prop2GO such a strong marketing tool. In doing this expansion Prop2GO plans to continue its extensive search engine optimization campaign by gaining such extremely competitive keywords as Apartments Toronto, Apartments Vancouver, Apartments Ottawa and Apartments Calgary. Once we gain top ranking for these keywords we will work our hardest on gaining the top spot for Apartments New York and acquire our quest as taking the company global. Currently Prop2GO has property in the United States in all of the major regions but we plan to expand that soon! As well we will be hitting the UK shortly by offering property in this area as well. Because of our expansion and the way things are going inside the company we want to offer a PROMOTION!! For anyone who posts a property with us and quotes this article we will give them a 2 for 1 deal when posting a property or they can post a property for half price if they only have one to list! So get posting and take advantage of this great deal! For more updates and information on Prop2GO, visit us at or follow us on twitter here @prop2go. Until next time.
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All Rentals 2 Remember, inc. - Key West, FL
Hi Jason, I'll have to take a peek at your website. Thanks for the information.
May 14, 2010 02:37 AM