
Bad Credit, A Kiss of Death or is it?

Real Estate Agent with Great Way Real Estate

After a couple weeks of conversation I was able to secure a buyer in using me for his transaction. I gave him the number to one of my preferred lenders to get him started in the process of securing financing for his future purchase. Then it happens, I get that call. "Jeremy, this transaction is going to take a lot of work." After getting the full story my client has some pretty bad credit and some issues to take care of before he would be able to buy. My preferred lender tells me about 6 months worth of credit repair. A kiss of Death or is it?

Here is where choosing the right Realtor makes a difference. I am not afraid of a deal like this. Even though it is nice to get paid sooner than later, I like clients that through the structure of my business I can help above and beyond. I have taken the time to surround myself with the essential personnel that allows me to help the most people possible. Real Estate is not just about making money. Real Estate is about helping people achieve their dreams of home ownership. Which in turn fulfills so many other avenues of their life.

As I said, I have taken the time to build a team that allows me to help the most amount of people in my business. I have great lenders, great credit repair people, great title reps, and so on. If you have read my profile you know that I truly believe in quality. Through my ambition of quality I am able to help this buyer achieve home ownership. Not right away, but six months down the line I will have helped changed the life of a man and his family. That is what being a Realtor is about.

A kiss of death? Not if you have the right Realtor.


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Elite Home Sales Team
Elite Home Sales Team OC - Corona del Mar, CA
A Tenacious and Skilled Real Estate Team

Having the best work with you only improves your service which then improves your business.

May 14, 2010 07:43 PM
Tom Priester
Paradise Sharks - Jupiter, FL
Paradise Sharks

Jeremy, you are doing a great job for your clients. Same way I operate and in the end helps us be successful.

May 14, 2010 10:50 PM
Pat O'Reilly
RE/MAX..214-289-6176 Irving and all of Dallas Fort Worth - Irving, TX

Jeremy, You are right. I have the same network set up and provide the service for my clients. If they follow what my lender says to 6 months they will be ready to buy..good job!!

May 15, 2010 02:07 AM