
Arizona a Jewel of Educational and Legislative Ignorance-Just my Two Cents

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It's not often that I accuse an entire state of being in the proverbial dark ages. We are living in a time with some of the greatest technological innovations since the invention of the automobile. Unfortunately with innovation comes ignorance. The ignorance stems from those who have so horribly failed to reconcile the past with the future. Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer and Arizona School Superintendent, Tom Horne are prime examples of our educational system's glaring failures. Somewhere, somehow, somebody has neglected to inform these individuals that the educational process never stops. Education is like a ten million square foot library with fifteen foot shelves filled with volumes you could not possibly read or master in one lifetime.

I am an educated man. In fact, I am a very well educated man. Despite this fact, I am the first to admit that I have a lot to learn about a lot of things. My education continues every day of every hour of my life. I know a lot, but there are far fewer things that I do not know. My knowledge of other cultures is very limited and I welcome the opportunity to learn. With one sweeping stroke of a pen, Jan Brewer and Tom Horne have eviscerated the chance for children to learn about their own culture. It is not a crime for someone to learn about their own culture. I submit to you that a person who has cultural self awareness is a proud person who can add to the richness of this society. Truly enlightened people want to learn. They are interested in the oral and written history of all peoples, brown, tan, white, purple and green.

Ignorant people resist and protest about the chance to learn about other cultures. They cordon their minds off from those who have backgrounds and opinions that differ from their own. They don't know and don't want to know. Maybe they are afraid that another culture may possess the ability to resolve a problem better than their culture does. Who knows? All I know is that resistance like this is petty and short minded. Education is not a competition between competing subject matters. Education is a process. This process is a gift handed over by concerned and, hopefully, enlightened educators.

I have been inspired to write this piece by Dr. Chris Heidelberg. Chris made his position very clear about Arizona's lack of educational freedom in a very well written historical context. However, I do not feel the need to justify my opinion of Arizona's latest educational edict. Governor Brewer and School Superintendent, Tom Horne's latest actions smack of an ignorant paternalism that those in the know have grown tired of seeing. Both the latest immigration and educational law are transparent in their inception and are exactly what people don't need or want in such a critical time in this country's history.

We need Black History, American History, Mexican History and European History taught in our schools. Why do we need all these subjects taught to our children? Because the sooner we get an historical perspective about the each other, the sooner we can effectively interact with each other in the present. If that happens, this will be a better and more peaceful world. That my friends is The Real Gold Standard.

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William James Walton Sr.
WEICHERT, REALTORS® - Briotti Group - Waterbury, CT
Greater Waterbury Real Estate

Indeed, Chip, you have a point. Sadly, most people like that wrap themselves in a cocoon, or only listen to those who feed into that madness.

May 16, 2010 12:42 PM
Charles Buell
Charles Buell Inspections Inc. - Seattle, WA
Seattle Home Inspector

Chip it is a very thin line----some would argue there is no line----between ignorance and arrogance.

May 16, 2010 01:09 PM
Robert Machado
HomePointe Property Management, CRMC - Sacramento, CA
CPM MPM - Property Manager and Property Management

There is also a thin line between propaganda and education.  When one teaches with an agenda in mind, it causes problems for taxpayers willingness to pay.  I know I don't want to pay someone to teach my kids to hate America.  That should be done privately, not with taxpayer dollars.

May 16, 2010 08:19 PM