There is a timeless property within walking distance to Broad Cove Beach, with its sand and clam flats. This home is only ten minutes drive from Crescent, Rissers and Cherryhill Beaches. One hour and twenty minutes gets you to the city of Halifax and twenty five minutes to the bustling Town of Bridgewater.
Hex-signs (painted barn designs) bode well for this Heritage farm with fertile fields, woodlot, oceanview and guest house.
Mature fruit trees and flowering bushes delight your senses... the salt air and sheltered location create a microclimate for outdoor pursuits. There are multiple outbuildings, which could satisfy hobbyists and home business .
Rent out the oceanview guesthouse for side income, or put your visitors up in style -- where you won't trip over each other.
To see room sizes and interior photos, if this property is still available, please click this link:
"There are an abundance of berries, heritage apples and plums and flowering perennial gardens thriving in the micro-climate of their venue. The stalwart farmhouse embraces one as warmly and gently as does the land. To the southeast of this lush plateau, fertile pastures rise sharply to a high crest where there is a rustic two story refuge with a rather stunning view of the sea. On the backside of the crest of the hill is the farm woodlot. " Tony Walters
For those Buyers able to pursue the property, the roadway uphill to the Cottage will be signed.