
I have Meme'd, aaaaawwww. I am so honored!

Mortgage and Lending with Mercury Lending

Ouch, so this the second time I am writing this.  I should have saved it as a draft.  Argh!


Anyhow, I really don't mind writing it again, I find it fun.  A little change from the ordinary for me.


This is a perfect example of Reciprocity, highlighted so well by TLW in her post Have You Considered Reciprocating Your Comments? Hmmm? ROAR! .  I was MEME'd by simply going to Ginger Wilcox's blog on AR and also outside AR, and gave her some comments.  Reciprocity at it's finest.  Thanks again Ginger for the MEME, it is an honor!


Here you go.  I hope you learn something about me, and if nothing else, hope you had fun reading it.


1.  I am an avid golfer.  It is my passion, though I don't get to play nearly enough.  3 times a year is not sufficient, but with my schedule, I am happy to enjoy that much.  It could be worse right?  I say I am an avid golfer.  I should say that I am an obsessed golfer.  Reason being, I think about it all the time.  The best example I can give is I think about it when I go to bed.  That's right.  If I can't sleep, I will think about my favorite golf course in Arnold, California, Sequoia Woods, and every shot I would take as I make my way through the course.  Seriously, I do this, and am asleep by the 5th hole 90% of the time!  I know every shot of this course, whether I play it right, is on me!


2. I have a little girl, who is 17 months old today!  Happy Birthday R.  I get to wake up every day to this little angel.  Anyone that has kids knows what I mean by this.  Waking up and seeing their smily face is the greatest part about being a parent.  I am new!  I can't wait to see what is to come.


3.  I love to drive.  Yes, love to drive.  I think this is a kind of weird for Meme, but it just came to me.  I can drive for hours and hours, listening to music, the radio, chatting with friends.  I love a good road trip!  Some of my favorite places are Santa Cruz, Arnold as mentioned above, Tahoe, the list can go on and on.  Just after college, some friends and I drove to Las Vegas, about a 10 hour drive, and worth every bit of it!


4. I have a bad habit of not finishing my housework.  My wife and I bought a home 2 years ago that needed a bunch of work.  We have done a lot, but there always seems to be little details that just aren't quite there.  I never seem to have the time to finish it perfectly like a professional would do.  But, I guess I am not a professional contractor, but that is one thing I am going to work on.  Finishing my house projects.  Fortunately that doesn't translate to work!


5.  For the second time in my life I got surprised for my Birthday!  Ok, my birthday was 4 months ago, so I can say I wasn't on guard, but I still got surprised.  30 by the way, not as bad as I thought.  About 1 month ago I got a call from one of my friends wives, who I am very good friends with as well, and she let me know that all of our college friends were going to get together for a little get together, because we hadn't all been together in a while.  Sounds good to me, not thinking anything of it.  I got to Pyramid Brew Company in Walnut Creek, and sure enough all 5 of us guys from college had been had.  Our wives had thrown a huge catered bash with DJ and all of our friends from college and even some from high school.  It was a great time, but I think I am still hung over.....Thanks to all of our wives, not for the hang over, but for a great party! 



So that is it.  My little explanation of who I am.  You can check out my blog for information about who I am as a business person, and get a little more about me personally there.  I guess now I have to MEME someone else, prepare, I am on the lookout.

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Bruce Bourgault, Vice President, Mpro
Central Pacific Homeloans - Honolulu, HI
Jonathan -- Thanks for the great MEME.  I too fall asleep playing my favorite course in my mind.  Thank God I am not nuts or if I am I have company.  LOL and Aloha
Aug 05, 2007 07:56 AM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA
Thanks for coming by Bruce.  It is so weird, that is my thing.  I think about golf.  I think it helps my game, I can visualize my swing.  I just wish I had more time to put it in action!
Aug 05, 2007 08:00 AM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate
Jonathan, that party sounds like a blast. Nothing like getting together with old friends is there ? I go to Florida every year on a girls trip of friends have had for 25 years. It's like nothing has changed and it is refreshing, I look forward to it every year.
Aug 05, 2007 08:35 AM
Sarah Cooper
Real Estate Shows - Hurricane, WV
Jonathan, I love to drive, too!  Aren't we weird?  ;o)
Aug 05, 2007 08:42 AM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL


Boy. We have a lot in common. I also enjoy long road trips.

On top of that I am really bad about finishing my around the house chores as well.

I think right now I must have 5 or 6 different projects that need me to get 'er done.

Okay. Now I am inspired to finish painting a wall.

P.S. Do you think the paint will still match if the first coat is a year old?? LOL.


Aug 05, 2007 10:02 AM
Kimberly Grant
Exit Leon Crawford Realty - Huntsville, AL
Real Estate Agent - Huntsville Alabama

Thanks for sharing Jonathan!!  I love to drive too... there is nothing better than a nice long road trip.  I would try to drive to Australia if I could!  LOL

Your daughter is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!

Aug 05, 2007 11:42 AM
Ginger Wilcox
Sindeo - San Francisco, CA
You are welcome, Jonathan.  I enjoy your posts. Your little girl is darling.  I bet she is daddy's little girl!  I HATE driving- give me a plane, I don't like being in the car.  Finish your house projects- your wife will love you for it! (Believe me, I speak from personal experience).  
Aug 06, 2007 01:57 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Jonathan... this was cool....   I also love to drive at times. My longest trip was to Key West, 17 1/2 hours, which should have taken us about 20 hours?  And I drove the first 13 hours because I was psyched. 

I love golf also.... only been twice this year....hopefully a few times in September. And your girl is precious. I don't have kids, but I have a slight idea of what you are talking about because I have 4 nieces and nephews. Thanks for sharing this.

jeff belonger

Aug 11, 2007 12:27 AM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA

Missy,   Getting together with old friends is the best!  I wish I could do it more, but I guess then it wouldn't be as special.

Sarah,  Why are we like that...I don't know!  I guess it is a great time to think and enjoy the ride!

TLW,  I think the rules state that you have to repaint the whole wall.  Sorry...I check my painting manual. :)

Kimberly,  Thanks for the compliments on my daughter.  She makes me melt every day!

Ginger,  I know my wife will love the projects getting done, it is just so hard!  I wish I had more time for stuff like that!

Jeff,  Great to have you by.  Next year when I get out to Jersey, we should hit the links.  I am IM'ing with people at the shore while we do our Fantasy Football draft.  I wish I was there!

Aug 12, 2007 10:33 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
you are doing your fantasy draft now?   We don't do ours until the holiday weekend....  there still could be an injury or two. good luck. And yes, next time, we'll hit the links.
Aug 12, 2007 10:42 AM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA
Yeah, Fantasy Football, East Coast vs. West Coast, kind of fun! 
Aug 12, 2007 05:16 PM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA
A very good MeMe and hope you will continue to write!
Oct 08, 2007 04:47 PM

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Dec 13, 2010 05:16 PM
Rancho Cucamonga Foreclosure Attorneys

A little change from the ordinary.

Sep 08, 2011 11:57 AM
huntington beach foreclosure attorneys

Nice post Jonathan, love to drive too & love to see your cute little girl. 

Dec 16, 2011 07:51 AM