E-cycling is the practice of reusing or distributing for reuse, electronic equipment and components rather than discarding them at the end of their life cycle.
Computer monitors and older TV picture tubes contain an average of four pounds of lead and require special handling at the end of their lives. In addition to lead, electronics can contain chromium, cadmium, mercury, beryllium, nickel, zinc, and brominated flame retardants. When electronics are not disposed of or recycled properly, these toxic materials can present problems. Safely recycling outdated electronics can promote the safe management of hazardous components and supports the recovery and reuse of valuable materials.
The City of Long Beach asks that you to dispose of your
electronic equipment at the Big Blue receptable in front of the Recreation Center.
Non-recyclables don't have to be tossed in the garbage, try these solutions and check out the links supplied for handy information on how to e-cycle.
Batteries: Household batteries can be dropped off to any of the three fire houses located in Long Beach. Just place them in the 50 gallon drums labeled battery recycling or visit www.earth911.org for a list of service stations that accept old batteries.
CD's: Donate old cd's to local schools or swap your old discs for ones at local music stores. You can swap old disks for new disks at www.zunafish.com
Computers: Always clear your hard drive before donating or disposing. Contact www.recyclegoods.com or your local computer sales store.
Cell Phones: Donate old cell phones to a local charity or to http://www.redjellyfish.org/cellphonerecycling.html
Packaging Peanuts: Drop these off at your local UPS store or postal store. You can also visit www.loosefillpackaging.com for other locations.
Plastic Bags: Reuse them. Also, check of your local supermarket accepts returns.
Helpful Links
EPA E-Cycling Page