
Are Times Changing?

Mortgage and Lending with ASAP Mortgage

Hello to all my fellow industry professionals.  It is amazing to me to hear how everyone says times are so different.  Although I would say that many things are chaning, I believe its our industry correcting itself.  For those that have been doing this since the late 80's or early 90's you know what I am talking about.  I still remember when stated loans first came out, we were all saying what does that mean? And to think when it first came out it was only for those that were self employeed.  How about I/O or POA's, how have they really changed our industry?

I was on one of my conference calls last week and something interesting was brought up.  For those that have been in this industry for less than 3 years, this is to you.  Over the past few years we have really forgotton how to work, or should I say didn't know how to work.  We are in one of the industry's that we get to make whatever we really want too and yet we often times don't think we should have to work for it.  One of my professors was just telling me that work is something we need to master, isn't that the truth.

It is really time to get back to the basics, get paid to work, wow isn't that a new idea? 


Carl Guild
Carl Guild & Associates - East Hampton, CT
Central Connecticut Real Estate
Work to make money??? Nahhhhhhhh!! :)
Aug 05, 2007 01:32 PM
Andrew Campbell
ASAP Mortgage - Madison, WI
Funny isn't it Carl? I have been amazed by how many don't want to work for it!!
Aug 06, 2007 01:54 AM
Funny how you say that as my boss just said that to me last week, i must be one of those guys, how do i Change?
Aug 07, 2007 11:23 AM
Andrew Campbell
ASAP Mortgage - Madison, WI
LOL, They say Jim, the first step to making a change is to realize what you are doing wrong!! Good luck to you.
Aug 13, 2007 01:31 AM
Kate Bourland
Marketing with Kate - Redding, CA
Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing
I don't think it's that people don't want to work for it - I think that they don't know how to work for it.  Originating business is hard!  If you were brought in and not properly trained, just go back to the drawing board and learn some business building skills.  ON the positive side, you already know how to do loans so you're not having a double learning curve!
Aug 13, 2007 03:57 AM
I would say that I agree somewhat with Kate, Most of the people in our industry have only been in the industry for only 2 years and they don't know how to conduct business.
Aug 13, 2007 06:26 AM
Andrew Campbell
ASAP Mortgage - Madison, WI

Thanks Kate, I would agree with you 100%, its time to get back to the basics, how it use to be and should be.  :) 


Thanks for your insight.

Aug 13, 2007 06:29 AM
Andrew Campbell
ASAP Mortgage - Madison, WI



I take it Ken you have been in the industry for over 2 years, do you remember when this happened in '98 and '99? Yes I know it wasn't the same, but pretty close.  Thanks for the comments, lets keep them coming.

Aug 13, 2007 06:30 AM
Terresa Langford
First National Mortgage Sources - Englewood, CO
The Best is yet to come. To all of us loan officers that were around back in 1997, we will see all of the in training loan officers, turning to a different profession. A lot of good will come from this- Maybe then the media will not call us LOs "Monsters"
Aug 13, 2007 07:36 AM
Andrew Campbell
ASAP Mortgage - Madison, WI


 I would agree with that 100%, lets hope that you are right, what do you think about the current rates on a rise?

Aug 13, 2007 07:46 AM