Hello my friends and associates at Activerain, if any of you are thinking of publishing your own book here is some great information on a wonderful publishing company. Publishers ExpressPress just re-published "Travis Walton's" very interesting book (Fire in the Sky) and Travis was very happy with the results. A very dear friend of mine works and plays a huge role at Publishers ExpressPress Company, his name is Larry Johns and I have known him since I was around 5 years old. Publishers ExpressPress is publishing my book "Dark side of David" a (Thriller) about a sex offender and the problems that he runs into. For more information on publishing your own book go to .... www.PublishersExpressPress.com
And for more information on Travis Walton's book (Fire in the Sky) go to .... www.TravisWalton.com
And for more information on my book (Dark side of David) go to .... www.DarksideofDavid.com
Robert Swetz Hello everyone and I know Travis Walton and he is a very interesting man! He will be doing a book signing for his re-published book by Publishers ExpressPress in Rachel Nevada May 29-2010 and Alamo Nevada May 30-2010. Rachel & Alamo are only 120 miles north of Las Vegas Nevada and right next to (AREA 51). Please cut and past this URL (link) on my Video plug to my friend Travis Walton ......
(and the movie of the same name) is a personal account of alien abduction in Arizona in the mid 1970's. Much more than just a story of abduction, it is a chronicle of incredible human drama played out by believers and non-believers, disreputable reporters and journalists, and irrepressible UFOlogists, all vying to put their own particular spin on an event that changed the lives of 7 Arizona loggers forever. In his book Travis attemps to sort through the tangle and set the record straight. In the end he only asks one thing of his readers; To weigh the evidence and facts objectively and make your own decision.