
Support The Santa Clara 49ers Stadium Initiative!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Mike Bell, REO Broker - Realty World MBA

On June 8, 2010 voters in Santa Clara will have a once–in-a-generation opportunity.  The City of Santa Clara and the San Francisco 49ers have collaborated on a flawless development plan.  The city council and staff have been exhaustively diligent, and the plan is brilliant in every facet. 


Most residents I’ve spoken with that oppose the stadium initiative, Measure J, express concern about new taxes, traffic impact and new debt, but the more they learn about the facts, the more convinced they become, as I am that this is truly a no-lose proposition.

Measure J will involve no new city taxes or use of general fund money.  The traffic plan is brilliant.  The positive impact on the local economy is practically limitless: new job opportunities, increased local business revenues, increased property values, etc. 

Get the facts for yourself:

Economic stimulus?  Just look at the area of San Francisco surrounding AT&T Park.  In just 10 years since the ballpark opened, the China Basin neighborhood has grown from a barren corner of the bay to one of the most densely productive areas of the City.

This about more than just football; this is about being one of the most significant cities in the country. It's a singular economic opportunity in the midst of a recession. It's about jobs, revenues and property values . . . and we only get one shot at it for all time.

 Join Santa Clarans For Economic Progress and Vote Yes on Measure J.