
Carolyn Capalbo Is A REALTOR In Northern Virginia That Needs Your Help

Reblogger Earlene Myers
Services for Real Estate Pros

This isn't the normal "Identity Theft" story, however, Carolyn Capalbo is dealing with a similar situation.  If anyone has experienced the frustration of identity theft, I think you can relate.

Original content by Lisa Udy

Carolyn Capalbo Is A REALTOR In Northern Virginia That Needs Your Help


Carolyn CapalboCarolyn Capalbo is a real estate agent in Northern Virgina that is being punished for having the wrong name. In 2008 a women with the same name as Carolyn Capalbo broke into the news, and it wasn't pretty. The "other" Carolyn had a daughter that was involved with a New York governor in a promiscuous way. Long story short, it was ugly, and now when you google Carolyn Capalbo, you get the results of the other women. 

You can read the full story here.

Here's the deal. Because of this other women, Carolyn's business has suffered, and I thought we could help her get her name back. Clients of her's have Googled her name and found this other women intruding on her brand with scandolous news blogs and have mistaken her for Carolyn Capalbo the REALTOR. 

Before you help Carolyn Capalbo You Should Know Her Story


Carolyn is a military spouse, she has family that has served this country, and I think we can serve her family with the help we can provide with this post. Carolyn has a degree in economics and is continuously a top agent in residential sales in Northern, Virginia. Carolyn is a respectable business women that goes above and beyond for her clients.

She continues to be a top producing agent in Northern, Virigina and, by no fault of her own, has had to deal with national news outlets calling her personal phone, business acquaintances, her daughters school and even her brokerage looking for the "juicy" story. 

Imagine, while at work with clients, ABC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, and The New York Times calling your workplace to get the scoop on a scandal that you were never apart of. Imagine these reporters asking promiscuous questions from your co-workers and people you do business with everyday. What would it be like for your little girl having to answer questions about some women in the news asked by your own teacher. 

This is the nightmare that Carolyn Capalbo is having to deal with and this is where you come in. Let's help Carolyn take her name back from a scandal that has nothing to do with her. 

How do we help Carolyn? Simple. Use your knowledge that you've learned from blogging here on Activerain to push her name above the fold in the search engine results pages.

Here's How We Can Help Carolyn Capalbo Take Her Name Back:

  1. RE-Blog this post and write a short story above the post about how you would feel if your name was tarnished by such a scandal. 
  2. Link to this post with "Carolyn Capalbo" as your anchor text within the blog and any other blog or website you have. 
  3. Push as many links and people to this post as you can. Get this post to the top and in turn we can push Carolyn Capalbo's reputation back to where it should be. 
  4. Write your own blog on how you feel about this situation and link back using "Carolyn Capalbo" as your anchor text. 

I want you all to know that there is more to this story. There is a reward for having your post at the top of the search engines by August 2nd. If we can get Carolyn Capalbo's name within the top 2-4 spots for her name in Google, the poster gets a prize. I am shamelessly asking you Activerainers to help Carolyn Capalbo, while also helping my brokerage. Many people have asked for your help before and you have come to the rescue. 

I am asking you to help my brokerage get this post to the top of the search engines to get Carolyn's name back where it needs to be and to help my brokerage get a new website. What's in it for you? Two things. 

First:  Knowing you helped someone clear their name by no fault of their own is a great feeling. 

Second:  For your links to this post with the anchor text "Carolyn Capalbo" I will return the favor. I have many websites and blogs that I can give you a link with the anchor text of your choice. These links will be on their own page of either my blog or, if you give this post enough love, a link on the home page of my websites with page ranks of 2+. These links will remain until my websites die. :)

So, Activerainers, I ask you to help Carolyn Capalbo get her name back. All you have to do is RE-Blog this post or link to this post with her name as the anchor text. 

Lisa Udy

Platinum Real Estate Group

Please Help Carolyn Capalbo