
Murphy NC - Memorial Day

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Exit Realty Mountain View Properties

Murphy NC - Memorial Day Weekend


Murphy, NC 28906 - Memorial Day weekend has arrived and our little town is bustling. We have lots of sunshine and visitors. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. there will be a celebration on the square downtown at veterans park. Everyone will sing Star Spangled Banner to start the festivities. We will have a speaker which is Lt. Col Sharon Rhoton. She will sharing her experiences as a nurse and woman in the military. The service will conclude with Taps being played by Charles Reiford. So please join us in honoring our men and women who have served and are continuing to serve our country. Remember, because of these brave men and women we remain free in our great country. If you see a service person - retired or active -please take the time to shake their hand and thank them.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions call me, Corky Vetten, at Exit Realty Mountain View Properties, anytime. My phone number is 877-837-2288.