This is a nice part about the warm and humid South. My wife has a killer flower garden that I am forced to look at every morning with my coffee, usually while pondering what I need to do for the day. Don't look too closely or you will see the weeds I was supposed to be pulling- lol!
Realty One Group Cascadia - Vancouver, WA
Homes for Sale Vancouver Washington
I love the gardens in the South. Ours here in the Pacific Northwest are nice too, but the season is so much shorter! After the last 2 months of rain, we are hoping for sun the weekend.
May 28, 2010 03:52 AM
(ABR) McLeRoy Realty, Inc. - Zebulon, GA
Hey, Mark. I graduated from OSU in Corvallis and I remember the cool, damp Spring. I remember sunshine as a wonderful thing after a week of clouds and rain!
May 28, 2010 06:21 AM